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Modern AU

You quickly walk up to Mikasa and grab her arm, making her face you. You felt tears filling up your eyes as your jaw starts shaking. "Mikasa," You started. "Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong to you?!" You asked angrily, your voice shaking.

Mikasa stood there, shocked, and looked down. You furrowed your eyebrows, tears falling from your eyes. "Please Mikasa! Just at least tell me so we can get this over with!" You yelled.

She faced you again, looking guilty. "(Y/n), you didn't do anything wrong-" "Then why were you ignoring me? Did you find someone else? Someone new, better than me?!" You asked, letting go of her arm.

Mikasa shakes her head, "No! It's nothing like that!" "Then what is it? You know what - I'll return the favor." You said and walked away from her.

Mikasa's eyes widen and followed you. "(Y/n) wait-!" She called. You didn't stop walking, ignoring her calls. She almost grabbed your shoulder when you started running.

"(Y/n)!" She yelled, catching up to you, only for you to run faster. You started crying, trying to get away from your girlfriend who was ignoring you for the past few days.

She didn't know how much it had hurt you. The feeling was like your heart was crushed, thinking she didn't love you anymore. And that was it, you wanted to ignore her too.

But you couldn't. You loved her too much for you to do that.

You stopped in your tracks and bent over, your hands gripping your knees, panting and out of breath. Mikasa had finally caught up to you and goes in front of you, looking at you.

She saw your crying face and immediately felt bad. She knew it was a wrong choice to ignore you. But,

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't know that it had hurt you." She said, her voice gentle. Finally, you caught your breath, and responded with, "Sorry? You're sorry? Way to go Mikasa. That's the only thing you'd do after pretending we never had a relationship." You said harshly, looking down.

"Do you hate me?" You asked, crying. Mikasa cupped your cheek with one hand. "Of course I don't. Why would I? You're the most precious person I have ever known." She answered.

You removed her hand, feeling frustrated and confused. "Then why did you ignore me?" You asked. You hear Mikasa sigh, and say, "Please look at me in the eyes." She said.

Without fighting back, you looked at her gray eyes, filled with sadness, knowing how much she had hurt you. She saw your puffy eyes, looking hurt which made her guilt feeling grow stronger.

"I... I stopped talking to you for the past few days because..." She trailed off, clenching her lips together, thinking of what to say next.

"Because what?" You asked, obviously curious. "Because I... I had bought a ring and... I thought it would help keep it a surprise if I ignored you, and realized how stupid it was." She answered.

Your mouth went slightly agape. "... Ring? What... What do you mean?" You asked as you felt your heart racing. Mikasa blushed, giving you a little smile.

"I know this may not be the right time but... It already got spilled, so.." Her hand went inside her pocket and took a small red box before kneeling down on one knee.

"(Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?" She asked, opening the box with both hands, revealing a ring with a tiny diamond. Tears filled your vision, your hands covering your mouth.

"O-Of course!" You said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Mikasa stood up and placed it in your ring finger before hugging you tightly, and you happily hugged back.

"Yes, of course, I would marry you!" You said softly to her ear, crying from joy. Mikasa smiled and kissed your cheek, making you hug tighter.

The both of you let go before Mikasa pulls you into a passionate kiss. It lasted for almost a minute before separating your lips from hers.

"I'm... I'm sorry for taking it the wrong way." You said, suddenly feeling guilty. Mikasa only smiled and kissed the tip of your nose.

"It's okay. I understand the feeling of being ignored without a warning. I should be the one to be sorry." She said. You smiled back and kissed her again, hugging her. She quickly kissed back, wrapping her arms around you.

"God I love you." You whispered against her lips. "I love you so much." She whispered back before kissing you again. She smiled against your lips as they moved in sync with yours.

After your lips separated, Mikasa looked at you and smiled as you smiled back, the both of you blushing. Mikasa took your hand and intertwined it with hers. "Let's go home." She said. You nodded happily, "Yeah, let's go."

(A/N: None of the characters here are minors.)

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now