Bittersweet Love

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Mikasa x Depressed! Fem! Reader


(Y/n) was an extremely kind person. She always thought of others and never once herself. She was also really good when it comes to training. A lot of people admire her beauty and her kindness Everybody thought she was perfect. Except for one person. And that person was (Y/n) herself.

She hated herself. She always thought she was otherwise. But she never showed how much hate she feels towards herself. She wanted to make others happy, and never let someone pity her, not once.

She always wore a mask to hide her pain. But someone knew what was hidden behind that mask, and knew what she always felt about herself.


"She's so kind, and precious," Armin said softly. Eren nods in agreement. "Yeah, she's kind like Christa, and almost strong like Annie." He said, looking at you. "Honestly, I would be the luckiest person in the world if she were to like me." Armin mumbles. "We all do, I mean, that's (Y/n)," Eren says.

As the two of them talk, Mikasa listens as her eyes were observing you. Her expression was soft, she admired how kind you were. Normally, she'd be jealous of you since Eren really liked you, but Mikasa felt something different for you. It was both awe and pity. She knew how you really felt for a long time. She wanted to approach you but is too reluctant as she might make Eren upset.

You wave to Reiner, who you were talking with, and walk away to head to the barracks. Once you were close, you take off your mask, your bright smile was replaced with a sad frown.

Mikasa saw you walk away, and she decided to go to you. She wanted to talk to you, and hear your voice up close. "I'll be going for a bit, I'll come back later." She tells Eren and Armin. "What for?" Eren asks. "--For something. Or maybe someone." She mumbled the last part. Eren nods and continues to talk to his friends.

You sit on your bed and pull up your sleeves, revealing the cuts you have made. All of them were old since you had to stop cutting yourself. You grip on your arm and begin to cry as quietly as possible, so no one who passes by can hear you.

You hated the feeling of being depressed, it was hard dealing with, and it was hard pretending to always be happy. But you had to. You didn't want anyone to know, especially the people who thought highly of you.

You cover your face as tears continue falling from your eyes. The door opens, revealing Mikasa. You immediately turn around and wipe your tears and pull down your sleeves. Mikasa's blank expression turns into a worried one, and she approaches you. "(Y/n)...." She said your name with a soothing voice.

You uncover your face to show your puffy eyes and force a smile. "Hi, Mikasa. I'm sorry you had to see me crying- I just fell and sprained my foot." You chuckle, but Mikasa didn't buy it. "You're strong, (Y/n), you can't cry from that kind of pain." She said, sitting beside you.

You gave up, and avert your eyes, looking to the ground. "I know what you've been feeling. Even if you cover it with a cheerful smile." Mikasa said, looking at you. You didn't react, you were surprised but didn't do anything about it. She sighs and pulls you closer. "Why are you hiding it?" She asks. "Because..." You manage to speak. "I... I didn't want anybody to think less of me. And- I don't need their sympathy. They don't have to waste their energy just to help me." You said, opening up to someone who you aren't even close with.

"I'm worthless, I'm a waste of space and a waste of time." You said quietly, almost a whisper as tears form in your eyes again. Mikasa hugs you as her head rests on top of yours. "You're not. You're like everybody else, unique, brave, and important." She says softly as she rubs your back. "Don't think of yourself as otherwise."

You were a little surprised, Mikasa wasn't very close to anybody- except Eren and Armin, but you have never seen her soften to someone.

You rest your head on her chest and hug back. "Thank you, Mikasa." You whisper. "I deeply appreciate your comfort." Mikasa smiles and hugs you a little tighter. "No need to thank me." She replies.

Feeling relaxed, you close your eyes. "Don't tell anybody, please?" You asked. "Of course, unless you're already comfortable." She said softly. Nobody had comforted you like this before. You felt so relieved that someone was there for you, and have a shoulder to cry on. And that was unexpectedly the Mikasa Ackerman.

You soon fell asleep on the raven-haired girl's arms. Mikasa noticed this and smiled. "I love you." She whispered.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now