7 Months

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Ex! Mikasa x Ex! Fem! Reader


As you sat on the dining chair with your chin rested on your palm, your elbow resting against the dining table, you thought, 7 months. your gaze was focused on the clock, ticking noises reaching your ears.

7 months, and it still feels like yesterday. You thought. You felt your eyes stinging and feeling a lump in your throat. You blinked, preventing the tears escaping your eyes.

You swallowed, feeling a slight pain in your throat. 7 months, and I still miss her. It still hurts to think about what happened. You thought to yourself. You wasted almost your whole afternoon slacking in the dining room and deep in thought.

An event happened. It still hurts for you. The throbbing pain in your chest everytime it flashes through your mind. It felt like the world had ended, and at the same time, it still hasn't. And it's just the world being cruel, like as it is.

A long and soft sigh escapes your lips. Thinking won't help. You internally groan, your eyes still stuck to the clock.

7 months has passed since you and Mikasa had split up. It was hard for you. You remember the amount of pain you felt back then, and you remember how impassive her look was, as if she didn't care at all.

She didn't love you, at least that was what you thought, or maybe she didn't. She didn't look upset, nor happy. It was just something that made you feel like she didn't care. It made you feel like she didn't love you anymore, or maybe she already didn't.

"Listen, as hard as it sounds to say, let's break up." You remember her saying. "That's the only reason I wanted to talk to you. Thank you for your time, and goodbye." Was her very last words to you. You stood speechless, your eyes wide, and you felt like everything was over. And she walked away, leaving you alone.

You didn't feel any anger towards her. It was frustrating but you realized that no matter what, you still loved her.

You didn't know why she stopped loving you. Were you clingy? Though you gave her enough space for herself. Were you selfish? But you rarely talk about yourself.

You didn't know. All of your questions are left unanswered and all she wanted to say was to break up. It was unreasonable for her to do that, but maybe you did something to make her upset you didn't know you did.

You almost dozed off when suddenly your phone lights up, bringing you back to reality. You picked up your phone and saw a notification from Instagram, notifying you that Mikasa made a new post.

Up until now, you still followed her in social media just to know how she is doing without actually asking her.

You opened your phone and checked her new post. It was a picture of her and someone else. They looked so happy together. You smiled, assuming that person was her friend. You then read the captions saying 'Having a date with my girlfriend!'

Your smile immediately turned into a frown. You read the captions over and over again, not believing it. So she has a new girlfriend huh? You thought.

You then remember her posting pictures of the both of you together on Instagram. You browsed her profile and saw them gone. She deleted them.

You realized that you were soon replaced by someone else and Mikasa didn't even try to reach out to you. She forgot about you, and she tries to. It was obvious, and she didn't even tried to care for you back then during your last moment with her.

Your jaw trembled as tears threatened to fall from your eyes and the lump in your throat comes back. I mean, 7 months did give her time to get a new girlfriend. You thought, silently sobbing as you covered your eyes with your arm.

You still have feelings for her, and you cried knowing that it's one sided now and what used to be mutual. You knew it was best to let her go and be with someone new but it would be difficult for you. You surely don't want that.

You were scared that one day, you might forget about her and be with someone new, and that her name will never cross your mind again afterwards. It's unhealthy, you're missing someone who broke up with you 7 months ago.

You'd rather be in pain than forget about Mikasa and replace her, just like what she did. In fact, you were still deeply in love with her, even if she isn't anymore. You hated it but loved it at the same time.

Her name can't get out of your mind anymore. It's always there, no matter what.

I miss you.

(A/N: Non of the characters here are minors.)

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now