Newly Trimmed

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You groaned to yourself, already desperate to cut your hair. You kept it long for the past few years and you felt like it was time to cut it off.

So you decided to ask your friends to cut it for you. But all of them turned you down, saying they can't because they might mess it up.

And you couldn't even cut your hair. So you decided to ask someone who you are sure will help trim your hair.

"Where the hell is Mikasa?" You mumbled under your breath as you walked around the headquarters.

Though you couldn't find her anywhere. She wasn't in her room or the mess hall.

Suddenly you remembered a certain place where Mikasa goes very often. And you were sure that she might be there. So you made your way to that place.

Without knocking, you opened the door revealing Mikasa doing sit-ups with only her bra and shorts on with her hair tied with a ponytail.

Your eyes immediately went to her six-pack abs, making your cheeks heat up furiously.

Mikasa stopped what she was doing and looked at you, now sitting down. "(Y/n)?"

You immediately look away, your face heating even more as you felt yourself panicking.

Though you and Mikasa have been dating for almost two years now, you still get easily flustered by her abs. You couldn't help but panic from the sight of it.

Mikasa smiled at you before wiping her face with a towel and putting on a shirt and walking towards you.

You had finally calmed down and faced her. "What is it?" She asked you.

"Mikasa, don't you think my hair is a little too long already?" You asked, holding a piece of your hair.

Mikasa simply nods at you, eyeing your hair and how long it is. Its length was already down to your chest, almost reaching your stomach.

"Well... Do you mind cutting it for me? Since there isn't anyone else who can." You asked before letting out a chuckle.

Mikasa smiled, nodding again. "Sure, I don't mind at all." She replied.

You smiled back before thanking her and the both of you proceeded to go to your room as she took a pair of scissors for her to cut your hair.


You waited patiently, listening to the snapping sounds of the scissors as Mikasa expertly trimmed your hair.

Her gentle and soft fingers brushing against your hair made you relax completely, trusting her in the process.

As Mikasa was in the middle of cutting your hair, already halfway done, you decided to start a conversation.

"Hey Mika, don't you think you should cut your hair, too, since it's getting long?" You asked.

Mikasa's hair had originally almost reached her shoulders. But as time passed, she kept it as a ponytail and let it grow longer unlike before when she would notice her hair growing she would cut it shorter.

"There's no need. I think that it's time to let my hair grow." Mikasa answered as she continued cutting your hair.

You hummed as an answer before speaking again, "Why?" "Nothing special. It had just been years since I've kept my hair short. And now I feel like growing it out." She answered. You smiled at her reasoning and hummed once again.

"And why do you want to cut your hair shorter?" Mikasa returned the question. You thought for a while before answering, "Well, my hair got long. And honestly, it's getting annoying since it keeps getting on my face. I feel like having shorter hair is better." "Oh, I see," Mikasa replied.

After that, it got silent. You kept your gaze on the ground as you waited for Mikasa to finish, feeling relaxed from your hair being slightly pulled and getting a bit sleepy from the feeling.

As your head slowly tilted downwards, Mikasa placed a finger on your chin to lift it. "Don't look down so I can cut your hair properly." She tells you. "Okay, sorry."

Time passed and finally, she was done trimming your hair. "I'm done." She announced as she gently stroked your hair, bringing you back to reality from almost dozing out.

You touched your hair, newly cut. It felt weird to have your hair this short, but that was because you kept it long for the past few years.

You stood up and looked into the mirror to see yourself with your newly short hair and smiled happily. Mikasa watched your reaction, her lips curling into a soft smile.

"So, how do you like it?" Mikasa asked, setting the scissors down on the table.

You then pulled her into a hug, surprising her. "I love it. Thank you so much, Mika." You thanked her softly into her ear.

Mikasa smiled again and hugged you back. "No problem. I enjoyed cutting your hair." She replied.

You gently pulled away and pecked her on the lips, making Mikasa blush furiously.

You smiled at her, making her smile back sheepishly. Mikasa was playing with your hair as she was examining it.

"You look good with short hair. It suits you." She tells you, eyeing your hair.

Your smile grew at the compliment as you felt your face heating up. "Thank you." You say sheepishly before removing Mikasa's ponytail as she raised an eyebrow at you.

"I think long hair suits on you, Mika." You tell her as you stroked her hair, making her cheeks redden.

"... Really?" "Yeah, it does." You answered, running your hands through her soft hair.

Mikasa looked at you before taking a piece of her hair and looking at it.

"Alright. I won't cut it again." She says, making you giggle at her statement as Mikasa smiled softly at you.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now