One's Regrets

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⚠ Smut ⚠

You were angry. So fucking angry. You felt your blood absolutely boil to the point where your skin could possibly burn.

It was always so frustrating to see Mikasa almost always canceling plans with you just so she could do something else with Eren.

You even lost count on how many times she did it. You really tried your best to hold your anger because that is what makes her happy.

But now you feel like you aren't even worth anything to her anymore.

Because everything was always "Eren, Eren, and Eren." And you swore it was like Eren possessed Mikasa's brain.

And now you are going to confront her about it. You didn't want to deal with it anymore after all the chances you gave her.

So you went up to her and tapped her shoulder, making her turn to you with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey Mika, can we talk?" You asked her. Mikasa nodded, "Sure." She replied.

Without even waiting to bring her to a proper place to talk to her, you started, "Can I ask you something? And I want your honest answer." You spoke.

Mikasa nodded and hummed, signaling for you to continue.

"Who do you prioritize most? Me or Eren?" You asked, your voice sounding a bit irritated, which caught Mikasa's attention.

"I-... Wait what?" She cut herself off, realizing your question. "What do you mean?" "I said what I said, Mikasa. I'm asking you who means the most to you. Me or Eren?" You tell her, sounding visibly frustrated already.

"Why are you asking me that type of question?" She asks. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you cancel your plans with me to hang out with Eren instead. Now tell me. Who do you love more, me or Eren?" You asked again, but this time you sounded impatient.

Mikasa felt taken aback by what you said, but she also felt annoyed.

"I don't cancel my plans with you if it's unnecessary. I had to go to Eren because-" "Because you love him? I didn't realize you had to delay our plans just because of some important meeting with Eren countless times." You pointed out, cutting her off.

"You love Eren, don't you? Then why don't you just say so to me so we can break up and spend the rest of your life with Eren?" You say bitterly, your voice getting loud.

"(Y/n), I don't love him like that! I only see him as my brother and nothing more. I really had to meet up with him because we had to go somewhere important! I promise you it's not about something more than that!" She answered eagerly and you could tell by her voice.

"For many times? Mikasa you don't have to leave me out too much. At least cancel your plans with him, too!" You almost yelled as you walked closer to her, your face red from anger.

You were so jealous of Eren, and even though you knew that Eren and Mikasa grew up together, you felt like she had feelings for him.

Jealousy filled you up, making you aggressive towards Mikasa and everything else. As they say, jealousy is one of the strongest emotions.

"And so you're not letting me be with him? I just wanted to be by his side since he doesn't have anybody else to protect him as I could." What Mikasa said made your heart slightly crack.

"I never said anything like that! I'm just pointing out that you're literally cutting your time with me just to be with Eren! I'm your fucking girlfriend, Mikasa!" You yelled, your voice cracking slightly.

"What do you mean I cut my time with you? We always have time to spend time with each other and you think I'm always with Eren?" Mikasa said, defending herself. "Stop being so selfish!" She added with her voice growing louder.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now