I Still Love You

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Modern AU

3rd Person POV

A 10th grader, (y/n) (l/n), has a huge crush on one of her classmates, Mikasa Ackerman but is too shy to confess her love since both of them are girls. And, Mikasa has a crush on someone else. No one but her childhood best friend, Eren Jaeger. It has been spread through rumors. Everybody except Eren knows. (Y/n) always has been jealous of Eren.

What makes it harder for (y/n) to try to confess her feelings to Mikasa is that they aren't even friends. Not even acquaintances. Just strangers, just classmates. That's just their relationship.

But no matter what, (y/n) will never stop loving Mikasa. She liked her for almost a year now and it will be hard to let her go. But (y/n) isn't that type of person who will stalk their crush and obsess over them. (Y/n) just likes to stare at Mikasa's beautiful features. Her sparkling gray eyes, her raven-colored hair, her soft, peach lips, Mikasa was always so flawless to (y/n). Although Mikasa can show no emotion to anyone, she has a soft spot for Eren, her crush, and her childhood best friend.

~Present Day~

(Y/n) goes outside and locks her front door before she proceeds to walk. Another day...She thought. (Y/n) suddenly smiles softly as soon as she remembers Mikasa, her crush. She grips the straps on her backpack and started walking a little more fast.

"(Y/n)!" A certain voice called her name. (Y/n) turns around to see her best friend, Armin. He's a close friend of Mikasa but they don't talk a lot. "Hey Armin!" (Y/n) waved at him as she returns the smile Armin gave her. "So, how are you doing?" He asks (y/n). "I'm good, thanks. How about you?" She asks the blonde male as they continue walking. "I'm fine. So, you ready for our long quiz today?" He asks. "I guess" She answers along with a slight chuckle.

The two friends continue talking as they reach school.

"Well, we're here now. My first class is English. What's yours?" Armin asks the (h/c) female. "Math..." she said as her voice lowered in disappointment. "Don't worry, we'll have the same class later after lunch, science." He answers as he smiles at (y/n). "Yeah, I know." She said as she smiles back. "Well then, get ready for the science quiz later," he said as he smiles playfully. "You too Armin." You smirk at him. "Bye! See you later!" He said before he runs off to his class. She smiles at him as he runs through the hallway. She then proceeds to walk to her class, too.

As (y/n) walks through the long hallway, she starts thinking. Thinking about a lot of things. Quizzes, classes, etc. she wasn't watching where she was going and accidentally bumped on Mikasa, who was walking in a different direction as hers.

"-Ow..!" She yelped after falling to the floor. She then looks up to see Mikasa staring at her. (Y/n)'s face quickly became red as a rose. "S-Sorry...I wasn't watching my way..." she said awkwardly. "It's fine," Mikasa said as she lent a hand over to (y/n). She...she gave me her hand to help me up..! (Y/n) thought as she holds Mikasa's hand then stands up. "Thanks," you tell her with a faint smile. She then nods and walks away.

(Y/n) places a hand on her cheek to feel the warmness. I can't believe it. I held her hand! She thought excitedly. She then proceeds to walk to her class.

~Time Skip~

It was now lunchtime and (y/n) and Armin are eating their meal together. Armin was just talking about the lessons he was learning and the teacher. While (y/n) was spacing out while thinking about what happened to Mikasa and her.
"And-(y/n)? Are you even listening?" He asks. (Y/n) is looking down to the floor showing no expression at all but her cheeks were red. "(Y/n)?" He calls again. "(Y/n)!" He calls again that made (y/n) snap back to reality. "Huh? Oh--sorry Armin..." (y/n) says as she smiles sheepishly and rubbing the back of her neck. "What were you thinking about?" He asks the (h/c) haired girl. "Nothing, really. I just sort of spaced out." she tells the blonde male across from her. "Alright then. Itadakimasu!" "Itadakimasu" she followed.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now