Love In Exchange For Living

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Yandere! Mikasa x Fem! Reader

You wake up to feeling being tied up to a chair. You couldn't see anything as you're blindfolded. "H-Hello? Is anybody there?" You say quietly.

You felt scared and unsafe and cold. You are hungry and thirsty as well. You knew you were unconscious for a while.

You then heard footsteps. You jumped, alerted by the sounds. "Who's there?" You ask. You then see light going through the cloth.

"I see you're awake now." A very familiar voice reached your ears. You wanted to talk but you kept your mouth shut.

You felt the blindfold slowly untie from your head and remove it to see a familiar, short haired ravenette.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" She asks you with a worried look on her face. "M-Mikasa?" You mutter. "Yes?" She answered.

"Why am I here? Why are you here?" You asked. All she did was smile. "Did you kidnap me or something?" You ask eagerly.

Mikasa went to you and pecked you on the lips. "I did it because I love you." She says faintly. "I placed you here in this basement so no one could reach out to you. Not even your family." She whispers that sent chills down your spine.

You froze, not knowing what to do. You stayed in place, not caring about what will happen to you next.

You saw a blade pointing towards your neck, you could almost see your own reflection. "Do you love me back, (Y/n)?" Mikasa asks.

"Why would I love you? You kidnapped me and not allowing anybody to see me." You answer boldly.

You felt the blade dig into your skin. "Agh!-" "You don't love me? I did this all for you, and all I wanted was you to return my feelings for you." Mikasa says as she pushed the blade deeper.

You winced. Your neck is now bleeding a lot. "Say it. Say you love me. That's all I want to hear." You heard her say.

"I-I.... I l-love you too..." You mutter. The blade immediately escaped your neck. "That's a good girl." She says, rubbing your head.

"All I want is your love. Nothing else. Please remember that (Y/n). Remember that I love you." Mikasa tells you.

"Because you'll stay here forever. There's no escape." Mikasa says as she goes in front of you, and bends down a little to reach the same head level as yours.

You felt tears form in your eyes. No escape? You thought. "All you have to do is love me. Or else, you will die, barely seeing the sunlight anymore." She says with a dark voice.

All you did was nod. You didn't want to talk at the moment, maybe that would be the last time you could open your mouth and say something.

Mikasa smiled as she exhaled. She went to you and kissed your forehead. "You might be hungry. I'll get you food and water, okay?" She says as she stood up.

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be upstairs. Don't do anything, or else..." She says before leaving the basement, leaving you alone.

No escape.... No escape at all. Just like what she had just said. No escape. That was all you could think. You would stay with Mikasa forever with her forced love and no one else...

I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while. I was so sick I literally couldn't get out of bed without feeling pain.

I promise the next chapter would be longer.

And yes I changed the cover again.

Do I regret it? No.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now