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⚠ Smut ⚠

"(Y/n), there is something I want to ask you." After hearing that sentence, you looked up from the book that you were reading and face the gray-eyed girl who had just asked you something, Mikasa, your girlfriend.

You placed a bookmark on the page of your book before closing it and placing it on the table beside your bed and facing her again. "Yeah? Well, what is it?" You asked her.

Mikasa fidgeted a little as she bit her lower lip, blushing. "If you find this weird... Just pretend that I never asked this, okay?" She said, still making eye contact with your (e/c) ones despite feeling a bit nervous.

"I'm sure I won't. But okay." You answered. A lot of possibilities of what Mikasa could say ran through your mind, and you weren't even sure if she would ask you something positive or negative, but you were slightly anxious about it based on what she said to you earlier.

"Well... Um, we've been together for... Six months now, right?" She asked you. You grew more anxious, thinking it would be a breakup. After all, she also seems nervous.

You nodded, giving her a quiet "Yes" as an answer. Mikasa nodded and looked away. "Since we've been together for a long time... I wanted to try something with you." Mikasa muttered. She obviously felt flustered by the idea of saying this.

You tilted your head. "Try what?" You asked. Mikasa scooted closer to you to the point where there is barely any gap between the two of you. Mikasa slightly tilted her head and pressed her lips against yours.

You were surprised at first but then you kissed back. It wasn't long since the kiss, but you could already feel the tension as it was becoming more and more heated.

You cupped both of Mikasa's cheeks with your hands, bringing her face closer to yours, deepening the kiss.

Your lips moved in sync with hers. You felt her gently biting your lower lip, and you part your lips, allowing her tongue to enter your mouth.

You roll the both of you over so you're on top and insert your tongue inside of her mouth. She let out moans which were muffled by the kiss as your tongue continued exploring her mouth.

Mikasa wrapped her arms around you, her hands slowly rubbing your back as you continued kissing her.

You separated your lips from hers and looked at her in the eyes. She looked back and pulled you closer. "I want you... To continue..." Mikasa said softly, her eyes trailing from your eyes to your lips.

"Are you sure?" You asked quietly and she nodded. "Yes. I've been waiting for this moment, and now I'm having it. But is that okay with you?" Mikasa asked.

You nodded, smiling slightly. "I'll be gentle. But please tell me if I hurt you." She nodded, pulling you into another kiss.

Mikasa kissed you hungrily, as you did too. But it was also passionate. You tried your best to be as gentle with her. You tried to not get carried away, fearing that she might get hurt.

Mikasa moaned again, but this time it was loud. She pulled you closer to her and now your bodies are against each other.

You softly moaned at the feeling of her breasts pressed against yours. You could feel the heat rising in between your thighs, and you could feel her grow needier of you.

You trail your kisses from her lips to her neck. Mikasa titled her head back, giving you more access. You gently nibbled on her neck, making her moan and pull you closer, holding you tight.

You kissed around her neck until you felt her slightly arch her back and let out a loud moan. You nibbled on her spot a little rougher, causing her to moan loudly, bucking her hips.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now