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(Mikasa's birthday is today, February 10 so I thought I'd make a chapter about it.

Ps. Happy birthday Mikasa!)

"Are you sure you don't wanna do anything else?" You asked Mikasa. "No, just being with you is enjoyable to me already." She answered.

You smiled, burying your face against her chest, her arms around your waist, gripping it firmly as your arms were around her neck as your legs were tangled.

"The only gift I want for my birthday is to be with you, and only you." She said softly, her hand making its way to your hair and caressing it.

Your cheeks flushed and you smiled against her shirt. You then look to her to meet her gray eyes. "But I feel bad that we didn't do that much today." You said. Mikasa smiled and kissed your forehead.

"That's alright. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." She said. "Is it fine if... We spend the rest of the day like this?" She asked. "Of course! It's your birthday and aside from that, I would love to!" You answered happily.

You moved higher to reach Mikasa's head level and cup her cheeks. You smiled at her as she smiled back. You leaned closer to kiss her lips.

"I love you Mikasa." You said. "I love you too, (Y/n)." She replied. You two had eye contact for a while before you nuzzle your face onto the crook of her neck. "Happy birthday, Mikasa." You whispered. She hugged back and leaned her head against your head.

(I know it's not much but hey, at least it was adorable and all. But I ran out of ideas so why not this for her birthday.)

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now