'Just' 11:30

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Modern AU

"(Y/n)." A raspy voice called. Your half-lidded, heavy eyes look to your sleepy girlfriend. "It's getting late." She said faintly. You look at your phone and look at the time. "Don't worry, Mikasa. It's just '11:30'. You tell her. "It's not 'just' it's 'already' 11:30, now go to sleep." She lectures you.

You smile at her concern. "I appreciate you caring for me, but I have to finish this." You tell her, pointing to your 'work' and Mikasa frowns. "You sleep first." She shakes her head and pulls you close. "I won't sleep unless you do." She said, kissing your forehead, which she loves kissing there most.

"I know. But-" She cuts you off by placing a finger on your lips. "Sleep is important, (Y/n). I want to see you all energized tomorrow with you having a full night's rest." She said as she playfully ruffles your hair. "But why would you want to see me energetic?" "Because, if you are, you'll spend more time with me." She said, smiling. You smile back, finally giving in.

You lie beside her in bed, wrapping your arms around her body, not being able to keep your eyes open anymore. "I'm so tired, Mikasa." You whisper. "That's what I thought." She also keeps her eyes closed, her hands keeping a firm grip on your waist, but it was comfortable.

"Me too, so let's sleep now," Mikasa said, and kissed your nose. "Night, Mikasa." You whisper before immediately drifting to sleep, and your soft snores could be heard. Mikasa smiles at your adorable state. She pulls you closer and rests her head on the crook of your neck. "Goodnight, (Y/n)."

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now