Valentine's Day

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You watched Mikasa from afar who is talking with Eren as you couldn't hear what they are saying. You sat on the ground with your back against the tree.

You were reading a book but got distracted when you saw Mikasa pass by. You watched as your cheeks were tinted with a light shade of red.

Armin sees you and sits beside you, leaning against the tree. "Hey." You looked at him and smiled. "Oh hi, Armin."

Your eyes went back to Mikasa and continued to watch her lovingly. Armin followed your gaze and smiled. "Do you know what day is it today?" Armin asked.

"Um, yeah. It's February 14." You replied, not looking away from Mikasa. "Yeah, it is. But do you know what occasion is?" He asked.

"Occasion? Is there any occasion on - Oh right. Valentine's day." You said. "Do you have anyone to celebrate it with?" He asked.

You looked at him, your cheeks still tinted with red. "No, I don't have anyone to ask either." You answered, and Armin frowned.

He then asked, "Do you at least have anyone in mind?" And you stayed quiet. Armin smiled again. "Mikasa?" He guessed, causing you to turn into a blushing mess.

"N-No...! I - Nevermind." You stuttered. "Why don't you have someone to ask?" You asked. "Like Annie maybe?" You said, making Armin blush.

You sighed, looking down. "I'm sorry. It's just that I'm too scared to get turned down by her." You admitted.

"It's fine, but you must tell her before someone asks her before you can," Armin said, rubbing your back.

"Aren't you disgusted or something?" You asked. "Why would I?" "I like girls... Maybe especially Mikasa would be disgusted."

"Don't be insecure, that's you. And Mikasa won't, just trust yourself." He said. "What if Mikasa accepts, who knows? Even if she does reject you, I'll be here for you." Armin encouraged.

"I-I don't know. I guess I'll try..." You muttered, making Armin smile. You stood up and walked away, leaving Armin alone.

"Mikasa, it's February 14 today, do you have anyone to ask out?" Eren asked Mikasa. She lifts her scarf and covered her now red cheeks.

"No." She said. "Really?" "That's none of your business, Eren. How about you?" Mikasa asked. "I don't really have any interest in that stuff, y'know." He said.

Mikasa nodded. "I understand." She muttered. "But hey, do you at least have someone in mind?" Eren asked. "I don't." She replied.

"Really?" "Yes Eren, and even if I do, don't be so desperate to know them." She said.

"Oh - And-" "U-Um... Excuse me..." You interrupt. "I'm sorry if I interrupted you but... Um..." You stuttered.

"Can I-I borrow Mikasa for a moment?" You asked shyly. Mikasa smiled faintly. "Of course!" Eren answered.

You gently pull Mikasa's sleeve, telling her to follow you, and she did.

You walked with Mikasa following you up to a tree. "What did you want to tell me?" Mikasa asked.

Your heart started racing and your cheeks burned. Your hands were hiding behind your back, holding a few flowers you're planning to give Mikasa.

"U-Um... I just wanted to tell you..." You started. "I-I like you and-" You showed her your hands with the flowers being held.

"W-Will you b-be my valentine?" You asked nervously, clenching your eyes closed. Mikasa stood there in shock, her cheeks were also red.

She went to you and took the flowers and smelled them. You looked at her as she gave you a smile. "I would love to." She answered before pulling you into a hug.

"A-Ah... Th-Thank you..." You muttered, hugging back, blushing. You pulled away, looking at her with a sheepish smile. Mikasa smiles back with her cheeks tinted with a dark shade of red.

"So, wanna have a quick walk together? Just the two of us." She said as she reaches out a hand to you. You gave her a closed-eye smile before taking her hand happily. "Of course!"

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now