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If there's one thing in this world that I can't accept while growing up , that is being called a girl with PCT disorder, because I know that I don't have that freaking disorder. What I have is more than that, and no one can cure me.

Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT)

- is a type of porphyria or blood disorder that affects the skin. PCT is one of the most common types of porphyria. It's sometimes referred to colloquially as vampire disease. That's because people with this condition often experience symptoms following exposure to sunlight.

>>> We are in a century where no one would want to believe that a certain creature still exists.

They said it's all just a myth and that it will just remain in history as an old belief of humans.

Bloodsuckers aren't real for them..but for me they are.


Napahinto ako sa akmang pagtalon dahil sa malakas na sigaw na iyon.

Napangisi ako at humarap sa mga lalaking kanina pa humahabol sakin.

A swarm of officers, each holding a gun with shaky hands.

"What? You can't shoot me?"- I mocked.

I know they can't because I'm still human in their eyes.

"Raise your hands, young lady. You are under arrest!"

Napaikot ang mga mata ko at humakbang palapit. Umatras naman sila ng bahagya.

I was about to attack them, but I felt a stinging pain behind my nape.


Unti unting parang nanigas ang katawan ko hanggang sa lumabo ang paningin ko at bumagsak ako sa malamig na semento.

And before I closed my eyes, I heard them saying  "Put her in a mental asylum."

Wait? What?! MENTAL?

I'm not effin' crazy, people! My goodness!

Madumi lang ang damit ko pero hindi ako baliw.

The Last Bloodsucker ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon