Chapter 55

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A/N: Little bit of a short chapter in preparation for the next one.

Kakashi, myself and many other Jonin were gathered in a conference room, starting the discussion for what we were all gathered here for-to take on the Keisan. I led the discussion, seeing as I was the only one with inside intelligence and any advice on how to handle this.

Itatsu, Maya and Aiko were all home with Jiraiya. Should we have a Sanin in our discussions-possibly-but we didn't want to chance the Keisan seizing an opportunity with just Tenmae watching them. It would be the same when we left, he'd stay behind to protect them.

"Our best chances are to start covert at night, and remove the children from the base first. If we go straight to fighting, the Sisters will try to force them to fight along side them. It'll be difficult trying to battle our real target while trying not to hurt the children or them getting caught in the cross fire."

"How many children are there?" Tadiore Inuzuka asked. Him, his wife and many others representing his clan were there. He took his debt to the Hatake clan serious and offered their support after the incident at the birthday party.

"They take ten at a time and always 5 years apart. Based on Maya's age, we'll have a total of twenty-nine 3, 8 and 13 year olds. The 13 year olds might be harder to pull out with that many years of conditioning."

"Are we really that scared of a bunch of little teen girls?" Someone in the back scoffed.

"My assassination count was higher than my current age by the time I was 13. Don't underestimate their training."

That started some murmuring " old is she?" "That couldn't be right..." "I think she's 27...maybe 28?" "Holy shit!"

As if I couldn't hear. I ignored it and carried on. "Can I have just the women step forward?" I asked.

The women stood one at a time, giving me a good look of each as they did.

"What are you looking for?" Someone wondered, noticing the way i was looking over them.

"I'm looking for the two closest in stature and build to the women that will be guarding the entrance. We'll need to incapacitate them first, but if any Kunoichi return from a late mission and they are gone, they will be suspicious. We also can't use a transformation technique because they will see right through it. I'll have to use my own technique to match their appearance, but I can't change your height or weight. You and you." I pointed at the two I'd chosen and they nodded in understanding.

There were multiple copies of roughly drawn out blueprints across the table. They contained every inch I could recall, plus a couple areas I needed Maya's fresh memory on.

"The youngest are kept in this wing away from the older women, to keep them out of the way of our training. There should only be one or two kunoichi watching over them to make sure they don't wander out at night. The babysitters are also usually elder Sisters who have grown weak, so they'll be easy to disengage as long as they don't set off any alarms."

I glanced across the blueprint and I felt a sick twist in my stomach as I pointed to the infirmary. "If all 29 girls are not in these rooms, then we'll have to sneak into the infirmary for the rest-"

"Why are they in the infirmary?" Someone wondered with how certain I was.

I pointed at the room directly next to the infirmary. It was the surgical room, and it was rarely needed for kunoichi injuries. "The only reason not to be in bed is if they're recovering from...recovering from a procedure."

"A procedure?"

"While they're still young, the elders perform a surgery to make the girls infertile. Recovery from it is about the only reason that infirmary exists."

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