Chapter 4

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Poll for an honest woman's opinion. I'm bot sure if I've got the better or worse end of the same monthly periods. So I used to think I was lucky because I never had to deal with menstrual cramps,or PMS issues. However, I instead get what is referred to intestinal cramping. For those who haven't experienced it-due to the close proximity of the uterus to the intestines, your intestines cramp in reaction to your period.
SO, while I don't have the constant pain of menstrual cramps, whenever I have a bowel movement it's like a grape beung pushed through a straw and it is agonizing when it is happening.
And if you cant tell, I just started my period and thus pain has got me moody-hence the rant.
Anyone else get those kind of cramps? Or am I just one of the lucky few?

After that, Kakashi became a regular to our dear gentleman's club over the next few months. He was at my bar every night I worked. The only thing that ever kept him away from here was a mission.

"That one's a strange man." I chuckled to myself after he stepped away to use the men's room.

"Oh yeah, and why's that?" Jiraiya heard my comment as he came up for another drink. I made him a whiskey sour, as he finally came to start ordering. Kakashi had helped me out in finally convincing him to stop ordering the naughty drinks.

"For a man that comes to a strip club, I don't think I've once seen him looking at the girls. So why come?" I wondered curiously.

Jiraiya shook his head with a deep chuckle at my blindness. "Oh, honey, he does. He comes and looks at the only girl he wants in this joint, and that's enough for him."

I looked at him confused. Had I missed something? "Who?"

My question seemed to cause him to break out into laughter. He clapped the bar top with a howl before sobering up enough to look at me with a straight face. Before he could answer, Kakashi was making his way back to the bar.

"You, silly." He whispered with a wink, then started backing away from the bar before Kakashi could wonder what we were talking about.

I rolled my eyes at him just as Kakashi sat down. "What did he do now?" He chuckled, catching the end of my eye roll. I jumped slightly, not thinking he had noticed...and hopefully he didn't notice that conversation.

"Oh, uh..." I stumbled for a moment, not prepared, "he tried to ask for a 'surprise' again, but I just made him take the whiskey sour."

"Wait, wait wait...did I just hear that correctly?"

"H-hear what?"

"The great and alluring Atsumi stumbling for something to say. I don't think I've ever seen you without something witty up your sleeve. Are you sick?" He teased.

"Keep that up Kakashi, and I'll go back to calling you Sailor." I 'warned'.

"Ah," he leaned back, arms behind his head in satisfaction, "there she is." He joked.

I narrowed my eyes on him, "whatever you say, Sailor." I replied, then turned my back to straighten up the counter behind me. I wasn't in anyway upset with Kakashi, just toying with him.

"Sailor?" Kakashi gasped, "Ouch. Tell me whatever must I do to fall back into your good graces." He appealed.

"Oooh, maybe you could..." I was ready to make a joke, but then I really thought for a moment. I was thinking about the observation I made to Jiraiya, and what he said. Maybe I did want to know. I turned back to Kakashi, leaning back against the counter behind me. " can start by telling me something."

Kakashi got curious, thinking we were still joking, and leaned forward on the bar top all ears. "I'll tell you anything."

"Why do you come here?"

The Girl Under the Mask-Kakashi x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now