Author's Note/Story Progress

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I thought it was finally time to write all my loyal reader's this letter so you know what's going on.

Each week I keep crossing my fingers thinking this will be the one I get the next chapter out...and then I'm unable to and I feel so wrong for not giving you what you've been waiting for. I mean, why would someone start a story to not finish it?
That is not my intention. I hope to 100% finish this tale one day. And trust me, I've got chapters on chapters of ideas.

But this is what's going on with me-
I first started my story "A Demon of a Woman" around a decade ago...and then I had to step away from it for like 7 years before I finally returned. Why?
I found out I had radial tunnel syndrome in both my arms. It made it difficult to type or write for long periods of time or hold a grip with my fingers. Sometimes my hands would even shake. And I didn't just give up writing a story. I had to give up writing, playing guitar...I even had to drop out of culinary school.

So, during those 7 years away I had surgery on both my arms and just tried my hardest not to do anything that required a lot of use of my hands.

But with time my hands got better and I cam back. And I was soon happy to be writing my stories again!

Well...a few weeks ago it got worse in a new way I hadn't dealt with before. Out of no where, just the act of pushing on a heavy wooden door is enough that the nerves around ny surgery scars flare up like they're on fire. I suddenly have to be very careful with my actions, or else I'm in pain. I can't even blow dry my hair because holding my arm in the air that long hurts. And now im wearing an arm length compression sleeve to work 9 hours a day just to ease it.

I'm not telling you all this for pity and so you'll feel sad for me. I've dealt with it for a decade now, and I've come to terms with the fact that this will always be my issue. And since it will always be my issuezl, I'm also determined and stubborn not to let it stop me when there's something I want to accomplish anymore.

And one of those things is completing my story. So yes, i am going to keep writing. All I ask of you is for your patience,  because it might take me a month a chapter. It's not what I hoped or how long I ever wish to take, but if I'm going to write I also have to be smart.

I love you my readers and I hope to have another chapter soon. ❤

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