Chapter 15

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Wasn't planning to have the next chapter out so quickly, but I couldn't sleep last night so I was like 'let's just right a chapter on my phone till I fall asleep!' Heads up that chapters might not come out as regularly for a while. It's my hope that I don't slow down, but I started a new job two months ago, it's a salary job, and I'm reaching a point where I need to put in more than the 8-5 work hours to make an impression. Last night I worked from home for two hours after I published the Chapter 14.

I shook my head, still in shock as I watched Itatsu next to Jiraiya "I still can't believe I agreed to this." I muttered.

Kakashi chuckled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder comfortingly, "what's the worst that could happen? He falls and breaks his arm?" He tried to be humorous, but he only got a glare from me. "Okay, bad joke. Bad joke." He surrendered, hands raised.


"I can't wait till I have one of those" Anko gushed, staring at the children leaning on each other as they sat in the sand box tuckered out. Randomly, Anko grabbed onto Gai's jacket, "Gai, give me a baby!" She exclaimed, obviously being dramatic and not serious. And Gai being Gai fell off the bench with a geyser of blood spraying from his nose at the thought.

"I think you killed him" Kurenai muttered, glancing down at his twitching body. Anko just shrugged as if nothing happened.

"Trust me," I chuckled at her antics, "you can wait."

Anko glanced at me with a raised brow, "do you wish you waited with Itatsu?" She asked, honestly curious by my statement.

"No, not at all. Itatsu is my life. But that doesn't make him any less of a handful at times."

"What? That little sweetheart?" She sounded incredulous, glancing over at Itatsu whose head was bobbing as he tried to stay awake.

I looked at Kakashi, "so you told them about the strip club and not about his extracurriculars?" I asked.

"His extracurriculars?" Kurenai asked.

"He climbed a building." I told them flat out.

"He what?!" That seemed to bring Gai back to life. He slapped the picnic table top, pulling himself up.

"He's had this bad habit of climbing things for a while now, and a couple weeks ago he thought it would be fun to climb a building while I wasn't looking. Scared me half to death thinking he was missing."

"Seriously?" They glanced between Kakashi and I waiting for one of us to say that was a joke.

We both nodded, "Nearly made it to the top before we found him." Even Kakashi sounded impressed as he told them.

"And how long has he been doing this?" Anko asked with a gulp. The cuteness of children was quickly fading on her.

I bobbed my head side to side as I thought. "I'd say since he could crawl."

"That had to be like, what...8 months...exactly what was he climbing? An A B C block tower?"

"No..." My nose scrunched at the memory, "...more like his crib."

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