Chapter 6 - "Just Believe."

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- Chapter 6 - Part 1 -
Warnings: Race's love problems?
Third Person POV

(A/N We're visiting our pal Racer!)

Race's hands tug at his hair. "This is illegal!" He exclaims as he paces in front of his two brothers.

Jack snickers a bit. "That didn't stop Crutchie, Davey, and I." He responds.

Race rolls his eyes. "That doesn't mean I'm not afraid of breaking the law." He states, pointing to himself.

Jack deadpans at him. "You aren't."

Race shrugs, twirling his cigar in between his fingers. "Not as much as I used to be." He admits. "You get used to it when you're living on the streets."

Jack nods, he understood that on a deep level.

"Race, I understand this is nerve wracking, but you'll be okay. I can also promise you that the two of them definitely like you." Crutchie assures his brother.

Race throws him a look. He felt hopeless and they could see it. "I'm crushing on two boys! That's illegal!" He exclaims.

"Go shout it off of the rooftop, why don't you? That won't help your case if the cops find out." Jack responds, deadpanning slightly.

Race throws him a look. "We're on the rooftop." He states, slightly confused.

Jack rolls his eyes. "That's my point." He mutters.

"Oh." Race mumbles, realization smacking him in the face.

Jack facepalms and Crutchie let's out a weak laugh.

"I'm very doomed." Race states, flopping on the blanket on the floor of the roof, very dramatically.

He cringes in pain slightly; the blanket did not break his fall at all.

"Would you like me to call Medda?" Jack asks Race. "Maybe she can give you a job at the Theater. You're dramatics would be perfect for her show." He snickers a bit.

Crutchie laughs.

Race rolls his eyes, sitting up. "You are so unhelpful sometimes." He states, glaring half heartedly at the seventeen-year-old.

Jack rolls his eyes this time. "I already gave you the only piece of advice I have; go confess." He tells him.

"And when I told you that, what did you do?" Race questions, staring up at the stars.

"He/I confessed, to both of us/them." Crutchie and Jack answer at the same time, deadpanning at Race.

"Oh, right." Race's mouth falls into an 'o' shape.

Jack rolls his eyes. You are so dense sometimes- "So now you should follow in my footsteps and go confess." He states, pushing Race, who was sitting down, towards the stairs to get down from the rooftop.

Race shakes his head. "I'll think about it, but I probably won't do it." He tells Jack. "I don't want to get rejected, and I don't want my father to ever find out." He whispers.

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