Chapter 15 - Care or Don't Care

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- Chapter 15 - Part 1 -
Warnings: Abuse mentions, no self care, secrets
Third Person POV

Race bounced ahead of Albert, grinning with excitement.

They were selling at Sheepshead together, but not in the same spot Race usually did.

Albert didn't know why and Race wouldn't tell him.

It made him a little suspicious, but he didn't question it.

"Race," Albert starts, looking at his boyfriend bouncing ahead.

Race hums, not turning around to face him.

"Spot's not going to be very happy that you didn't follow his instructions." Albert comments, crossing his arms, and a hand barely over his mouth.

Race rolls his eyes. "He can deal. I'm fine. Cold doesn't bother me as much as it does you." He reminds his boyfriend.

"He specifically gave you an extra shirt though." Albert states.

"He can deal." Race repeats, before waving a paper over his head. "Accident in sweat shops!" He shouts.

Albert sighs a bit, before joining Race in shouting out headlines.

Less than an hour later

Spot walks over to his boyfriends, pretty angry and worried. "Racetrack." He starts.

Albert shares a look with Race, before backing up slightly.

That's his problem. Albert thinks to himself, I told him he was going to get in trouble.

"I did tell you to do something this morning, didn't I?" Spot questions, holding up the extra shirt. "Or did I imagine that?" He asks, a slight scowl in his voice.

"Look, Spot, I understand that you're trying to look out for me, and I appreciate that," Race starts. "But I know myself. I know what I can handle and what I can't." He stayed.

"But you don't, Race." Spot responds, slightly exasperated. "How many times have you almost froze or haven't eaten and we've had to force you to take care of yourself?" He questions, snapping a bit.

Race goes to respond, but he knew that he had lost count of how many times one of those things had happened.

"Put it on." Spot lightly shoves the shirt into Race's arms. "Do you ever ignore Jack's directions when he gives you one?" He questions.

"Depends." Race mumbles in response as he takes his flannel off.

Race puts the extra shirt on under his flannel and over his undershirt, and then puts his flannel back on.

Albert and Spot look at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Only when it's some stupid thing like this." Race adds quickly. "Never when someone else could be in danger or when he needs me to do something." He assures them.

"I'll have to see what he says about this." Spot mutters, rubbing the temples of his forehead.

Race's eyes widen. "Spot-" he starts.

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