Chapter 19 - Spralbert Swap

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- Chapter 19 - Part 1 -
Warnings: None really? Boys being boys?
Third Person POV

Despite being bright red, Race giggles.

Spot rolls his eyes.

Albert shrugs.

They stare at themselves, and each other, in the mirror.

Race wore Spot's undershirt, one of his red flannels, his suspenders, hat, and had his pimp-cane in one of his pant, belt loops.

He was wearing his pants and shoes though.

Albert wore Race's flannel, a white undershirt, Race's suspenders, vest, hat, and had his cigar in his hand.

Spot wore Albert's undershirt, one of his flannels, suspenders, vest, and hat.

Race starts giggling more, clutching his stomach.

"Race," Albert starts. "You actually look quite nice in red." He compliments.

Race smiles, blushing a bit. "Thanks. You look nice in blue."

Albert chuckles. "You've seen me in blue before." He point out.

Race giggles.

"Spot." Albert starts, smirking.

"Don't say anything." Spot growls, his arms crossed.

He really hated this idea.

Albert smirks, wrapping his arms around him. "You look wonderful in my stuff." He chuckles a bit. "It compliments your height, as it's a bit too big."

Spot smacks Albert with his (technically Albert's) hat.

Race falls to the floor laughing.

Spot and Albert stand over him, chuckling a bit.

They loved hearing his and each other's laughs.

"I love-" Race inhales deeply. "This." He breathes.

"At least someone is enjoying this." Spot grumbles, looking back at the mirror. "I hate this so much." He states.

"Really?" Albert asks. "We couldn't tell." He responds sarcastically.

Spot rolls his eyes.

Race starts laughing harder, still laying on the floor.

Albert chuckles, picking Race up and placing him on his back.

In Brooklyn

Spot facepalms.

Albert covers his mouth to stifle his laughs.

Race stood on Spot's perch, his pimp-cane in his hand. "If it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick." He copies Spot's Brooklyn accent.

The Brooklyn boys starts laughing.

"Your voice is way to high pitched, Italian, and Manhattan to be able to get my voice correct." Spot mutters, rubbing the temples of his forehead.

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