Chapter 1 - Prologue

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- Chapter 1 - Part 1 - Prologue -
Warning: None
Third Person POV(OV)

Albert DaSilva became a Newsie when he was eight years old.

Racetrack Higgins, his best friend, became a Newsie at seven years old.

Albert had joined right before Race- like literally three days before Race- since he was a year older than Race.

As for Spot Conlon, Albert had no clue when he became a Newsie.

What he did know is that they're not seven and eight anymore.

Albert is currently sixteen, Spot is seventeen, and Race is fifteen.

He knew Race was good friends with Spot, and Albert wanted to be friends with him as well, but he couldn't.

It wasn't that Spot frightened him, but he, somehow, had gotten a crush on the leader of the Brooklyn Newsies.

As if his luck couldn't get any worse, he got a crush on his best friend as well.

He, Albert DaSilva, had gotten crushes on two people he knew probably liked each other. That's just bad luck.

One of them probably didn't even know his name, despite the fact that he was usually with Jack when Jack would meet with Spot.

Plus, the other would never like him. He only thought of Albert had his best friend.

Albert knew he was doomed if he didn't get rid of these feelings and fast, otherwise-

"Come on Al, El, Hen, Specs!" Race shouts, stomping to wake everyone up.

The boys groan.

Did I just have a dream about my relationship problems? Albert thinks to himself. I really am doomed.

Albert groans softly, rubbing his eyes.

Race walks over to him, the grin on his face one that Albert saw almost everyday, but it could still stop his heart. "Come on, Al!" He exclaims. "We have papes to sell! Let's go Carry the Banner!" He flips the covers off of Albert.

And there he is. Racetrack Higgins. He's going to be the death of me. Albert thinks to himself, as he gets up.

He sends Race a tired smile.

Race grins as he walks off to go wake everyone up.

"I don't want to get up." Albert hears Lucky complain to Race.

Ain't that a mood.

"We have to get up." Race responds with a small smile. "Plus, you're selling with Les today!" He reminds him.

Lucky grins at him, getting up.

Darn his really cute morning excitement. He is such a morning person. How, I'm not sure, Albert thinks to himself.

Race was going to be the death of him.

Being Jack's Second in command, one of Race's jobs was to wake everyone up, especially when Mr. Kloppman was feeling sick.

Albert gets up and gets ready for selling, and starts walking with the other Newsies to get their papes.

Then, Race came over to him.

Albert's mind went into panic mode.

"Hey, Al," Race starts, smiling. "Wanna sell with me today?" He asks.

Albert freezes, stopping in his tracks.

His eyes widen as he turns to look at his best friend. He really just asked me that? Am I dreaming?

Albert hears snickering from behind him and immediately knew who it was.

He shoots a glare to Finch and Romeo, before turning back to Race.

"You sure?" Albert questions, his voice a little softer than he would have liked and he probably knew he was blushing.

Race grins at him. "Yeah! I feel like I haven't talked to you a lot, and I miss you." He admits softly. "Plus, we used to have so much fun when we sold together." He reminds him.

There was a slight bit of blush on Race's cheeks, but Albert hadn't noticed.

Albert smiles to himself. He's adorable, I swear-

Wait- Albert realizes something. What if we see Spot? And can I spend a whole day with him?

You know what? I'll be fine. I can do this. It'll be just like old times. No crushes, no nothing. Albert tells himself.

"Sure." Albert agrees.

Race grins.

Albert swore he's never seen Race smile so wide before, even when he got a new cigar.

"We going to Sheepshead?" Albert asks Race, his hand running down the strap on his bag.

"Yep!" Race grins at Albert, grabbing his wrist. "Come on, let's go!" He starts dragging the taller boy to the Distribution Center.

Geez, he's strong for someone so little, especially with the fact that I'm bigger than him, Albert thinks to himself.

On the way to the Distribution Window, Albert made eyes contact with Finch and Romeo.

Romeo snickers, while Finch smirks, winking at Albert.

Albert rolls his eyes, I swear there is always a time when I regret telling them everything.

Then, he makes eye contact with Jack and Crutchie.

Jack was smirking at Race, and Crutchie was grinning at the two of them.

What's up with them? Albert thinks to himself. Do they know something I don't?

Albert shrugged it off, letting himself get dragged along by Race.

It was gonna be a good day and he was excited.

And nervous.

Very, very nervous.

840 Words

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