Chapter 9 - Bubbly Boy

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- Chapter 9 - Part 1 -
Warnings: Bubbly Race? Blushing? None?
Third Person POV

Race was extra bubbly the next day.

It was one of those days where you could say Race was a sunshine boy and no one would disagree.

No one, other than Albert, knew why Race was feeling so happy, but they weren't complaining.

Race literally went around the bunk room, whispering exciting plans for the day and gently shaking everyone awake.

He usually only did that with the littles.

That made it a pretty pleasant morning in the Lodge, making most Newsies happy.

Race bounced all the way to get his papes, shocking even Weasel.

Weasel takes the cigar out of his mouth, slightly skeptical. "Why so happy this morning, Racer?" He asks. "Did someone forget to yell at you this morning?"

Race just grins at him, placing his money on the box. "Nope. You aren't gonna ruin my morning today, Mr. Wiesel. 50 papers, please." He requests.

The Newsies, Delanceys, and Weasel's eyes widen. Did Race just say 'Mr. Wiesel' and 'please' to Weasel?

"Uh- okay." Weasel manages to choke out, still staring at Race, wide eyed.

Race tips his hat to Weasel, before gently taking his papers from Oscar, who didn't bother shove them at him today.

Race sat on the ground, reading the headlines, when Lucky came over to him.

"Race." Lucky starts quietly, his blue eyes staring at the older boy.

Race smiles at the little. "Yeah, Luck?" He asks.

"Can Les and I sell with you today?" Lucky asks cautiously.

Race smiles softly at him. "Well, if Davey, Jack, and Specs say it's okay, then you two can totally come with me today." He tells him.

Lucky grins at him, hugging him, before skipping over to Jack, Davey, Les, and Specs.

To say Race and Lucky looked alike was an understatement.

The resemblance between them was uncanny.

Race hadn't brought Lucky selling with him for a while since people had a tendency of being rude at Sheepshead and he didn't want Lucky to deal with that.

Before that, when they did sell together, Race and Lucky would pretend to be siblings and it always worked.

Jack comes over to Race a few minutes later. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks, slightly concerned. "You never let him go to Sheepshead with you anymore." He points out.

Race nods. "I haven't hung out with him in a while, plus, the siblings act always works with us." He states.

Jack nods. "Well, just keep the two of them safe. I doubt I have to remind you of that, but Davey wants me to because you know how he is." He states.

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