Chapter 13 - A Day Off With Spralbert

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- Chapter 13 - Part 1 -
Warnings: None really, rude customers?
Third Person POV

"This is a horrible idea..." Jack mutters, facepalming.

Albert and Spot share smirks.

A few boys laugh.

"We know," Albert brushes it off. "He's going to hate us." He laughs.

Albert and Spot stand over Race, before slowly counting.

The two boys immediately sit down next to him, tickling him.

Race starts laughing, waking up.

He sits up quickly, trying to catch his breath while Albert and Spot continue tickling him.

After a few minutes, they stop.

Race wraps his arms around his staunch, trying to catch his breath.

Immediately, once he catches his breath, he glares at his boyfriends. "I hate you both so much." Race mutters.

He flips the blanket off of him, trying to get up.

Albert wraps his arms around Race's waist, pulling him back onto the bed.

"Albert DaSilva, let go of me." Race states, trying to push him off. "Albert." He groans. "Let me go."

Albert hums, nuzzling his face into Race's neck. "Hmm, no." He responds, holding him, content.

Race looks up at Jack, his glare never faltering. "I hate you." He states.

"I did nothing!" Jack exclaims, his hands up in a surrendering motion.

Some of the boys laugh again.

Race tries to push Albert off of him, but Albert just pulls him so he's laying on the bed, Albert's arms still wrapped around him.

Spot lays down next to him, his arm over Race so it was holding Albert's hand and pulling Race between them.

"I hate you all." Race mutters, blowing his curls out of his face annoyedly.

This caused a lot of the boys to laugh.

"Shh." Spot presses a finger to Race's lips. "Sleep." He tells him.

Race looks at him, confused. "Then, why'd you wake me up?" He asks.

"Tickles." Albert mumbles into his neck.

Race to squirms a bit.

"I needed to hear your laugh." Albert explains.

"There are other ways to hear my laugh." Race pouts. "I hate tickles, you know that." He reminds him.

"But none of the others are as fun." Spot fake pouts.

Race rolls his eyes, before closing them and falling back asleep.

His boyfriends fell asleep not long after.

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