Chapter 8 - First Kisses

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- Chapter 8 - Part 1 -
Warnings: None! Yay! The chapter is fluffy!
Third Person POV

Albert and Spot shared a look, silently making the same decision.

Without a word spoken between the two, they ran out of the alleyway and after Race.

When he was finally back in their line of vision, they started shouting stuff like, "Race! Stop running!"

But the younger boy just ignored them, shaking his head.

"Both of my crushes have run from me when I've tried to confess, wow, I feel loved." Spot grumbles as they continue to run after Race.

Albert shrugs. "Sorry. It's what happens when you crush on two boys, which is illegal in more than one ways, who have major trust issues." He responds.

Spot nods. "Jeez, the boy is fast." He mutters, panting hard.

Albert breathes out a laugh. "He didn't get his name for being a fast runner-" he takes a deep breath. "that just happens to be a coincidence." He explains.

After a few more minutes, the area of Manhattan that they were in started to get a little more familiar.

That was, until Albert and Spot realized that Race was running to the Manhattan Lodge.

That made their job of catching up to him a lot easier.

As they neared the Lodge, they saw Race jump and grab onto the ladder that leads to the fire escape and roof.

It was the same jump Albert had done two days before when running from Spot, which was how they both knew they could make it.

Albert jumped and caught it.

Then, Spot did the same.

The two boys climbed on the roof, and Race looked shocked when he saw them. Eyes wide, jaw dropped, the whole shebang.

Race tugged on the strap of his pape bag, taking a step backwards for every step Albert and Spot took towards him. "Do y-you n-need some- something?" He whispers, staring at them.

Albert smiles a little bit, trying to show that he's not going to hurt or yell at Race. "We actually have something we want to confess to you." He tells him calmly.

"That you're dating?" Race's voice sounded a little heartbroken. "I'm happy for you, I just wish you'd told me. I wouldn't have judged you for being Gay." He tells them.

Albert smiles. "Actually, it's something else-" he starts.

The blonde headed-boy cuts him off. "I'm really happy for you." Race smiles at them, but his smile quite reach his eyes.

"We actually both like you and each other." Spot cuts in.

Albert smiles.

Race goes to speak again, but realization about what Spot just said dawns on him. "Wait- what?" He questions.

Albert smiles. "We both like you and each other. We just confessed and decided we want to date." He  explains.

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