Chapter 32 - "I Know You Say Your Thumb Isn't a Finger."

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- Chapter 32 - Part 1 -
Warnings: Abuse, fighting, kidnapping, crying
Third Person POV

Albert and Spot run towards Sheepshead.

Their flannels covered their heads, but it was doing nothing to stop them from getting wet.

When they get to Sheepshead, they look around.

No one.

No Race.

No Hotshot.

No Ace.

They weren't there.

Albert felt tears sting his eyes as he desperately looked around for any sign of the three of them.

Thunder boomed, causing Albert to jump slightly.

Race didn't do well in storms, especially not when he was alone.

"Race!" Albert exclaims, tears streaming down his face.

Spot looks behind some things and on the other side of Sheepshead, praying that they were there somewhere.

Come on, guys. Where could you be?

Albert collapses on the ground, sobbing.

Spot bends down next to him, frowning. "Al," he starts softly. "We gotta get back to the Lodge."

Albert chokes back a sob. "But-" he starts.

"We're going to find Race, I promise, but it's storming." Spot reminds him, pointing to the rain drenching them.

Lightning lights up the sky.

Spot helps his younger boyfriend stand up, leading to an alleyway near Sheepshead.

He knew they'd be safer and drier in that back-alley.

Albert's sobs echo through the alley while rain patters on the roof above them.

Spot was helping his boyfriend walk without tripping when Albert gasped.

Spot looks up.

His eyes widen. "Oh my God!" He exclaims, rushing over to his second and fourth.

Ace was unconscious on the ground, blood soaking the hair on the back of his head. He was laying on his stomach, his left wrist weirdly twisted under his stomach.

Hotshot was laying on his back, about three feet away from Ace. His nose was bleeding and so was the right corner of his lip. His shoulder was bruised and swelling, and his leg had a semi-large cut.

Spot rushes over to Ace, while Albert rushes over to Hotshot.

Albert gently shakes Hotshot awake.

Spot takes Ace's flannel and wraps it around his head to control the bleeding.

Ace wasn't waking up.

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