Chapter 14 - The Brookies Approve

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- Chapter 14 - Part 1 -
Warnings: Bruises? Maybe abuse?
Third Person POV

"Is this a bad time to say that I'm also Gay and dating a boy?" Ace speaks up. "Cause I am." He states.

Spot immediately let out a relieved exhale. "Is it Smokes?" He asks.

Smokes turns bright red.

"I mean, I'm Gay, too." Hotshot adds. "But not for Smokes." He laughs.

Smokes hides his (still bright red) face in Ace's shirt.

"Why would we ever make fun of you for that?" Red questions. "Cause it's illegal?" He scoffs. "So is the way that some of us have had to make a living before we became Newsies." He points out.

Albert and Race share a look.

"The only thing that I'd ever make fun of you for is the fact that you fell for two Manhattan Angels." Hotshot states, laughing a bit with a few other boys.

"Stupid Brookies." Race mumbles under his breath.

Albert stifles a laugh, having heard him and understanding the inside joke.

"Is this why you've been happier lately?" Catch questions. "You haven't thrown anyone off the dock lately." He comments.

Race and Albert immediately turn to face Spot. "Aww!" They exclaim in unison.

"Shut up, Race." Spot responds, rolling his eyes. "You can't talk." He shoots him a look.

Race turns bright red.

Albert chuckles, turning to face the Brooklyn Newsies. "As Jack's Second, Race wakes everyone up most days, and he's been all bubbly, and happy, and-" he starts.

"Shut up, Albert." Race pushes him, covering his mouth.

The Brooklyn Newsies start laughing.

"Now, come here, Race." Ace pats the seat next to him. "I've been waiting to see when you'd come back so I can play you." He states.

Race grins, going to sit down next to him.

Spot makes a gesture for Cloth to come over of him.

Cloth gets up. "Yeah?" He asks.

Spot looks around, lowering his voice. "What are the best ways of treat bruises?" He asks him. "And bad ones at that." He adds.

Albert saw that Race was rubbing his arm again while they decided who was playing.

Albert frowns.

Cloth's face turned concerned very fast. "Why?" He asks.

"Race has a pretty bad bruise from a customer throwing something at him accidentally." Spot informs him. "Or that's what he said." He mutters, not believing that he was telling the full truth.

"Can I see it?" Cloth asks.

Spot nods.

"Anyway, best ways of treat bruises are heat, which we don't have, ice, and wrapping it." Cloth explains.

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