Communication Works

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"How long have Oceane and Blue been sleeping with each other?" Ava asked as they trekked through the dark forest, the small bit of moonlight peeking through the canopy providing the only light for their walk.

Theo, who had taken up the front to clear the way for Ava, stopped in her tracks and looked back, "Excuse me?"

"Captain Blue and Oceane. How long has that been a thing?"

"Blue and Oceane are fucking?" Theo's face screwed up in a mix of confusion and disgust.

Ava's eyes widened and she wanted to backtrack everything said. She didn't realize it wasn't common knowledge. Or maybe they weren't sleeping together and Ava had misread things and that is why Theo was shocked. She tried to salvage herself by turning Theo around and giving her a slight push to keep walking. Theo took the hint and kept walking but didn't drop the subject at hand.

"How do you know?" Theo pressed on.

"I don't. I came to the conclusion based on evidence that presented itself," Ava informed her and followed pace, "I've already said too much. I don't want to make Oceane angry."

"Oceane and anger have never been used in the same sentence before," Theo laughed as she led the way, glancing back to make sure Ava was okay every few steps, "you have to tell me because you are my quartermaster and your job is to gossip with me about stuff that goes on."

"That is a gross oversimplification of what I do," Ava laughed, glad to derail the conversation "not to toot my own horn but I probably work longer hours than you do."

"I am the Captain, it is my job to be lazy and watch everyone else run things," Theo joked, "so what evidence presented itself to you, dear investigator?"

Ava sighed reluctantly and gave in. Mostly because she was dying to talk about it with someone and while Theo liked to joke that she was into gossiping, it wasn't a joke. Theo was one of the nosiest people she had ever met but she kept it so subtle no one knew. Ava blamed it on her two right hands for always having her ear about the ongoings of the ship.

"Well," Ava began, "Oceane came to help me get ready and she talked about a boy she had slept with. A returner, as she called him. Said he really liked her and he was cute so she didn't mind sleeping with him again."

Theo followed along with noises to confirm she was listening. Ava knew Theo did not have to explain the significance of Oceane having sex with someone more than once. Theo had known Oceane for longer and it was a fact to anyone who was even somewhat close to Oceane that she did not do long-term partners, emotionally or physically. No repeat customers, as she would say.

"Then when Captain Blue kissed my hand, she rolled her eyes and he seemed to quickly go to her for damage control," Ava continued, connecting the dots, "then I listened in and he was trying to convince her to go out to dinner tomorrow night and mentioned how much fun they had had this aftermoning. Oceane said she had slept with someone this aftermorning so the inference wasn't hard to make."

"Holy fuck," Theo said, her voice again dripping with confusion, and this time incredulousness, "Blue and Oceane. Goddamn, Cooker is going to have a field day with this one."

"Theo," Ava complained, drawing out the name, "you can't tell."

"Fine I won't," Theo finally admitted then she laughed, "plus, no one would believe me. Oceane has been rejecting Blue for lengths."

"Really? Why?"

"Blue is a giant flirt. If it moves, he'll flirt with it. I guess Oceane has just never wanted to give him the satisfaction of giving in to it," Theo shrugged.

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