The Beginning

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She really couldn't have explained how she had gotten herself in the situation she was in. One second she was under the awning of an herb shop, trying to catch some shade and the next two large men were grabbing her by the arms. They began to drag her and she screamed out, kicking her legs to avoid taking a step further with the men. The men were bigger than her and she was no match for their strength. Shock replaced with fear as they continued down the road. People looked in her direction as she yelled but no one seemed fazed, no one was helping her.

The men turned into an alleyway between the shops and pushed the girl roughly into the wall. One of the men put his hand over her mouth to keep her silent.

"Boss says we don't got to be back until sunset. Think we can take our prize for a ride before giving her in?"

"I'll stand watch," the second man said and walked towards the entrance of the alleyway.

Tears sprung to the girls' eyes as panic began to set in. She used all the strength she had to push against the hold the man had on her and did not stop thrashing. She was going to give up, her energy quickly depleted after suns of little food. Just as she was ready to stop fighting, she heard a thump. Suddenly, the man who had a tight hold on her let go and began to back away, scared. The girl looked over to find a tall woman standing over the man that was at the entrance of the alleyway. The man was unconscious, the blood gushing from his head.

The other man had backed into a wall, trapped in the alley. The woman approached the man and when she was within range of him, he swung. She dodged the punch with ease and kicked his knee. As the man crumpled to the ground, the woman took out a dagger and hit him in the head with the hilt of it, rendering him unconscious like his friend.

"You, girl," the woman said after turning, "What's your name?"

"Ava," the girl said without thinking. She cursed herself for being so stupid and giving up a name without hesitation.

"Ava, what are you doing on this side of town alone?"

"I was looking for a place to stay for the night," Ava confessed.

"You're not from here."

It wasn't a question but Ava shook her head to confirm the woman's statement.

"Figures," the woman sighed and began walking out of the alleyway, "if you want a safe place to stay you can follow me."

Ava hesitated. She looked at the two unconscious men and to the woman who had just saved her. Based on the short interaction they had, Ava deduced that she wasn't safe out here alone and would be better off with the person who had just saved her. She followed behind the woman, whose long legs made it difficult for Ava to keep pace.

"Who were those men?" Ava asked the woman who seemed to have answers.

"They're called gars. They take women off the streets and sell them," the woman explained in a flat tone and watched as Ava's face registered the shock of the situation.

"I was being taken to be sold?"

"Aye, this district is known for being a hub for abductions. You need to know what you are getting yourself into before you travel somewhere new."

"Apparently so," Ava muttered to herself and followed the woman.

They walked in silence for a while, passing the streets as the shops around them began to close. She saw some people dressed in military uniform lighting torches on the side of the road, providing light for the coming darkness of night. Children that had been out on the street began to collect their toys and head inside to eat dinner. It was getting dark and Ava was getting tired, no food or shelter for the last few suns had her exhausted.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now