A Bit Tied Up at the Moment

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The next sun went swimmingly, quite literally. They were due to meet someone on Tyrize on a specific sun and it looked like they would be getting there early. Before leaving Corinspe, Xyra had heard that Tyrize had been a hotspot for soldiers and she didn't want to risk a run-in with them. Getting there early would put them at risk. They wouldn't slip into port until they were due, two suns from then, under the cover of darkness. Xyra would have the sloop back on the way by morning to avoid any unwanted encounters. With only half a sun left until they arrived at Tyrize, spending some idle time out at sea was imperative. Xyra found an island that looked like it had a suitable beach and ordered Navi to drop anchor off its coast.

Xyra's first nice act as Captain, giving everyone one full sun and a night on a beach with no work. The crew had been working hard and Xyra wanted to reward them. The pirates had woken up in shock, having not known about Xyra's plan to stop for a relaxing moment, and promptly began to celebrate. Some even forwent the boats to the island and instead swam there themselves. Xyra had stayed back, using her leg as an excuse to stay on board.

Her night with Navi had gone great, amazing, world-shattering, even. Sex with Navi was always above average, even during lazy or rushed times. But something about having said the words 'I love you' made it better, more fulfilling, more invigorating. They had been awake and writhing under Xyra's sheets until the first rays of sun came over the horizon. Then, they had both gotten to work, Navi taking the wheel and Xyra looking out for an island. When they anchored, all Xyra wanted to do was sleep so that is what she did. Navi didn't join her, having the skill of being to stay up for a ridiculous, borderline inhuman, amount of time.

Xyra spent most of the morning and aftermorning asleep, only waking up because some rowdy pirates had made their way back on board. She was sore, in all the right places, and sure that if she checked into a looking glass there would be passion marks lining her chest and neck. Thank the gods that winter in Aeliz called for long coats and thick scarves or she would have a lot of covering up to do to not be embarrassed. After drifting in and out of sleep for a bit longer, Xyra had dragged herself out of bed and began to prepare for the upcoming meeting she had called for the next aftermorning.

Besides the few pirates that boarded and then made their way back off the ship, it was quiet. Xyra was not onshore and would miss out on yet another dinner but that was okay, she wasn't even that hungry anyway. Her stomach disagreed and screamed at her. Maybe she would be able to find something in the kitchen. Xyra ignored her stomach, for the time being, and began to work, being more inclined to go hungry than eat stale biscuits for another night. It was rather late when her door opened.

"Good evening," a chipper voice called out, it was Red.

"Why are you not on the island?" Xyra responded without even looking up.

"Thought I would come to have dinner with you. I planned ahead and brought many snacks with me," Red tapped something on her side, what Xyra guessed to be a bag. She wouldn't know, she didn't look up, "can I join you?"

Xyra was going to dismiss her but the first island they were to dock at was quickly approaching and she needed to have this matter settled with Red by then. This was a perfect time, no one around so Xyra could scream at Ava without anyone to hear. Xyra had considered torture but ruled it out, she couldn't cross that line again. Could she? Either way, that ship had sailed because Xyra would have to be able to get Red tied up in a chair and there was no way to do that without drugging her, something Xyra had not prepared for. Her kit was elsewhere. So without torture, she had to get her frustrations out through an angry line or two and having people around would be bad for their image as officers.

Xyra looked up and motioned to the chair in front of her desk, "Take a seat."

Red did as asked and then emptied her bag out on the desk, goodies falling out over the pile of papers Xyra was working on. Xyra huffed out in frustration at the mess on her desk and glared at the quartermaster.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now