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Theo spent most of the suns leading up to the raid preparing for it. If she wasn't with the smiths helping with weapons she was up top helping Navi sail and reach the necessary speeds to cut some time off the journey. She felt as if she blinked and they had arrived. Theo got practically no rest the whole time at sea, the suns she had off were spent in her room worrying about changes to the plans. She made an effort to not hole herself up though. She stayed for dinner and spent her nights out on the deck with the crew drinking.

Xyra and her had practically stopped speaking unless it concerned the ship or the raid. Xyra had also stopped coming by at night and Theo couldn't blame her. Not only had Theo inserted herself into a situation that didn't concern her, but she also did it without tact. Further, she also confirmed to Xyra that she slept with Navi. The night before they were due to arrive at the island, the pirates gathered to party on the deck once again. On the deck, Theo caught Xyra during a moment alone. Xyra moved away from Theo.

Theo grabbed Xyra's arm, "Xyrabellis, will you talk to me please?"

Xyra looked back at Theo, "I have nothing to say, Theo."

"No, but I do."

Xyra pulled her arm away and turned to face Theo, "What is it then?"

"I'm sorry. I know you said there's nothing to apologize for but we both know that's bullshit. You're my right hand, I shouldn't have made you talk about it like that. I can't even begin to understand what you're going through." Theo conceded and Xyra's facial features softened.

Xyra hated it but she had a soft spot for Theo. Whenever she would apologize, the genuineness always made Xyra's anger melt away. She knew Theo had been thinking about it since they had argued. Xyra also could admit that she gave the silent treatment for so long to let Theo stew in her sorriness. Xyra couldn't give in right then though, she needed Theo to grovel some more and Theo knew it. Theo sleeping with Navi was a line that was crossed that shouldn't have been. They had slept together in the past but that was before Xyra and Navi were ever involved.

"I don't know what I was thinking when I slept with her, Xy. There's no excuse though and I made that decision without thinking of the consequences. I will be forever sorry," Theo pleaded.

"I'm not accepting your apology. I never will. You were selfish for that Theo. There are 40 women on this boat and you had to choose her..." Xyra sighed, "But I'm done being mad at you. I don't like it and we're too close to the raid to let some personal things get in the way."

Theo nodded and rubbed the back of her neck, "I know it's not your problem but... I haven't been able to sleep lately. If you want to come to my room later it'll be open."

Xyra wanted to get one last petty thing in before she dropped the issue. She wanted to just say no and that it wasn't her problem. Instead, she just shrugged and walked away, knowing she would eventually find her way into Theo's room. Xyra couldn't help it she knew Theo too well to leave her to try and sleep by herself. It was the night before a raid that their whole lives were riding on and Theo would most likely not be able to sleep without her there. Theo had always been a fussy sleep when they were kids and it wasn't something she grew out of. Xyra figured out over time that if she was near Theo or had her arms wrapped around her that Theo would sleep marginally better. Xyra didn't understand it but she did it anyway. Nights before big events, like the upcoming, raid they usually slept in the same bed.

Xyra waited on deck until Theo retired to her room. Xyra wasn't going to give Theo what she wanted so easily though. First, Theo would have to face whatever had been making her so distant in the past cycle. Xyra was cornered by Theo and now she was going to flip the table. She followed Theo shortly after and sat on Theo's desk. Theo, who had gotten into bed was trying to hold back a smile.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now