A Night in the Infirmary

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Ava was walking back to the ship alone, the group she had gone to The Pinnacle with had left. She didn't blame them, Ava had been preoccupied for a very long time. There was a grin that wouldn't go away plastered to her face and anyone that saw her probably thought she was high out of her mind. Her night had been more than she could have ever imagined. She understood now, she got the big deal around sex. She got the reason songs were written about it. Ava could finally see why most people were obsessed with it. She had never felt the way she had felt during her time with the girls, no drugs she had taken or adventure she had been on had given her the same feeling. It wasn't necessarily that sex was better, it was just different.

There were three things she learned from her experience with her three new friends. First, holy fuck was sex the greatest. Two, holy fuck was sex with women was the greatest, and finally, branching out of her comfort zone was the greatest decision she ever made. Specs and Angeli were not lying when they said that the more people involved the better it was. They all had a great time and Ava felt not an ounce of pressure the whole time. They answered her questions, more so with actions rather than words, not that Ava was complaining. She hadn't kept track of how long she had stayed in their room but it was more than a few hours. It had been easy and effortless with the girls, their natural banter keeping the mood light throughout Ava's time with them.

The only thing that Ava was missing was a kiss. She hadn't kissed any of the three women, she wasn't sure why. Was it too intimate? Was she afraid? Was she saving that for someone specific? The irony was not lost on Ava, she would not kiss a girl but she would have sex with three of them at the same time, a fact she had not wrapped her head fully around. Most people probably went their whole life not having sex with more than one person and Ava just did it with three on her first night. Ava had been informed that she was not half bad at it either which had boosted her confidence astronomically. She was sure that she would not have been nearly as skilled had it not been for the careful instruction she was given.

She had been so exhausted after that she took a small nap, waking up naked and squished in between two other girls. Kit had been the only one left awake and she helped Ava get dressed and go. If Ava hadn't been so worn out she would have been brave enough to ask Kit for a small one on one round. At least, that is what she liked to think would have happened. She was letting her imagination wander when she spotted a crowd up ahead.

As she approached the crowd, it started to dissipate. Whatever the fuss was about, Ava only saw the aftermath. There was a middle-aged man's body lying in the middle of the street, his throat had been punctured. She looked around to try and figure out what happened but collected no clues, the man's broken crossbow not doing much to shed light on what occurred. Ava continued to walk, looking back at the body until she could no longer see it. What had happened to that poor man? As she walked up the plank and onto the ship she heard a commotion coming from Tuni's infirmary. It sounded like yelling was coming from inside and Ava sprung into action. She didn't know why given she was largely untrained and barely knew how to use her dagger.

She marched up to the door and opened it, the dagger wielded in her right hand. What she found wasn't danger though, it was Theo being restrained on a medical bed. She was shirtless and face down, screaming out muffled obscenities, Cooker was holding her legs down and Morgana was keeping her right shoulder put by just applying a little bit of weight. Tuni was bending down and examining Theo's left shoulder and Ava's eyes were drawn to the arrow sticking out from it. The dead man with the crossbow in the street had been fighting with Theo. Although there was an arrow protruding from her body, Theo seemed to be the winner in that fight.

"Ava!" Tuni exclaimed when her attention was drawn Ava's way, "Please come help. I need all the hands I can get. Fetch me some pondeas."

Ava stared at Tuni blankly, not understanding what it was Tuni needed. Morgana, who was watching the exchange beckoned Ava over and Ava knew how to follow that command.

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