The Tuskeri Manor

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The four of them were gathered around a table in the back of O'Nives. It was still early in the morning but Theo had ordered a myriad of foods just like usually did. Meats, cheeses, wines, fruits, starches. Every time they were on land they ate like nobles. Ava would feel bad about the amount of money spent on food if they hadn't been eating stale bread and fish for all their time at sea. That and the fact that every plate was wiped clean made it easier to sleep at night knowing they dropped over 15 gold on food at O'Nives.

Ava figured soon after they arrived that it was more than just a feast, it was yet another meeting. As they ate their food they discussed what was going on. She wasn't totally clued as to what was happening until Theo explained the letter was calling a mandatory pirate meeting to discuss the disappearances. Whatever was happening with the pirates was bad, she didn't think she had ever seen Theo that anxious about anything. The others had been going back and forth with theories for a few hours but ended up getting nowhere with that. Ava kept to herself, knowing that nothing she said would be helpful.

"It's just not possible that no one has any information," Cooker groaned, head in her hands.

"It's useless to try and figure out what is happening. We are clearly not meant to know. Whoever or whatever is behind this knows what they are doing," Theo waved her hand to drop the conversation.

"So what now?" Xyra asked.

"We continue with our previous plan," Theo said.

"Shouldn't we head to Corinspe now instead of later?" Cooker tilted her head.

"For what? The meeting is not for another 40 suns. Regardless of a mysterious pirate killer, our situation is still the same. Money is going to get tight and this might be our last chance to secure a consistent stream of anything valuable," Theo reasoned but her hand was over her mouth and she looked unsure, "Easy and peaceful raids are going to be nonexistent in the next two lengths and we need to take advantage now."

Theo sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

"What if we come face to face with whatever this pirate killer is?" Ava asked, speaking up for the first time in hours.

"Then we hope we've trained our crew well enough to handle it," Theo said, offering no reassurances with her tone.

"If that is your decision, Cap, I'll stand behind it," Cooker poured herself another glass of wine.

"Aye, but if at any point I feel like we are vulnerable I will pull us from the shipping route and we'll head to Corinspe early," Theo said, this time firmly and confidently.

"What is considered vulnerable?" Ava asked again, wanting to clarify what the plan was.

"Sick crew members, too many injured, major damage to the ship, low on supplies, series of unsuccessful raids," Xyra listed off a few conditions and Ava nodded in understanding.

"Is that agreed upon then?" Theo looked around the table, "We continue with the raids and get to Corinspe when we had planned all along?"

"Like I said, fine by me," Cooker said.

"Aye," Xyra nodded, "our hands are tied so why not."

The table was quiet for a bit and everyone looked over towards Ava.

"Red?" Cooker prompted


"How do you stand on the matter?" Theo asked again.

Ava wasn't aware she had a say or the right to an opinion during the conversation. She kept forgetting that she was the quartermaster and with the job title came the responsibility of having the Captain's ear. She forgot her word actually mattered now.

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