Waking Up

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Ava came to consciousness and she couldn't have told anyone where she was, who she was with before she went to sleep, or why she was in a bed that didn't feel like her own. She opened her eyes and saw a place she had never seen before. Green leaves made up the roof of where she was. Her neck felt stiff and sore as she twisted it to the right to get a better view of the room she was in. She managed to turn her head to find that she wasn't in a room. There was a mix of green and white to her side. She was on a beach, tucked into the edge of greenery leading into the jungle. It was cold and the sun was going down.

She shot up in her bed, a cot of some sort. She had a heavy blanket on but she was still freezing despite it. Ava quickly looked around and saw no one. A small, empty beach. Panic began to set in as she was getting no answers from her surroundings. She focused hard and tried to remember what was happening before she got here. Why did she wake up on a random beach with some thatching as her home?

The storm.

What had happened to her? Had the ship crashed on this island? Had she fallen overboard and was found by some random person. She didn't know what to make of the situation. She pushed the blanket off her legs and tried to calm herself but her hands were shaking and she could feel the tears begin to well up. She pushed down any fear and tried to focus on getting out of bed and finding something to protect herself with.

She set her feet on the ground and stood up but her knees buckled under her. She grabbed herself on the cot and righted herself. She looked around for any clues as to who had been there but everything was devoid of personal objects. There was a small campfire by the beach and a tent but no weapons. Ava took a few steps onto the sand, getting a feel for walking again. It felt like she hadn't walked in a cycle. She peeked her head down either side of the beach and found herself blocked into between two large cliffsides.

Ava walked back to the small dwelling she had woken up in and began to think.. Physically, she felt weak. Like she could sleep for another length and only wake up to gorge herself on food. There was not much she could do at the moment. No weapons, no water, no food. She took a moment to sit on the cot and figure out what she was going to do next, what the plan was going to be. A few minutes passed then she heard voices approaching. It sounded like whoever was coming was having an argument amongst themselves.

Ava pushed herself off the cot and practically dove behind the nearest bush. She felt her heart pound against her ribs, shaking through her whole chest. She took small, shallow breaths; afraid that anything else would give her position away. The voices got closer and closer until they arrived at the cot. Ava couldn't see from behind her bush but there was a pause in the conversation. They knew she was gone. She heard leaves crunching and footsteps leading to the beach.


She heard her name being called.

"Red! Where are you?"

A different voice. Both of them were easily recognizable. She took a deep breath, head going light from the sudden influx of air. She had spent most of her energy getting up and running towards the bush like her life depended on it so it took her a lot longer than it should have to clamber up to her feet and wave her arms.

"Here!" Ava called but her voice wasn't strong enough to carry very far. Her throat straining to speak after who knows how long. She cleared her throat and stepped out of the brush, "here!"

That one carried and the two figures quickly turned in the direction of the noise. Theo and Morgana. They both bolted to her, coming to a skidding stop once they were about to hit her. It was comical but Ava had no energy to laugh. None of them said anything, they just stared wide-eyed at Ava. Ava had nothing to say either, she was the one that had woken up in the middle of a beach with no one around.

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