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Theo hadn't slept. The kiss kept replaying in her head over and over again. It was wonderful, magical, electric and she couldn't stop beating herself up about it. Ava had asked her, she knew that, but that didn't mean that Theo needed to let it happen. Ava was lost, Ava didn't know what she wanted and Theo took advantage of it. It wasn't intentional, Theo just got so entranced in the kiss that she didn't register what she was doing. She could still feel the weight of Ava pressed up against her chest, arms wrapped around her shoulders.

Theo had been so fidgety all night and morning that whatever nails she had were gone, her fingernails chewed past the fingertips. As the sun rose in her window she vowed to push it out of her head, for the time being, there were bigger things to worry about. Like, Morgana. Morgana had gotten increasingly more desperate to rid herself of Quartermaster and was giving Theo hell about it. To be fair, Theo had been promising Morgana for close to four cycles that she would begin the search. Theo had given Xyra her prospective candidates list and Xyra had tasked herself with rounding up the candidates and offering them an interview. Of the four on Theo's list, only two had agreed to come up for an interview.

Theo didn't understand. Why couldn't' she get anyone to take the job? It was a decent amount of work but the Quartermaster got extra shares per bounty and had one of the best cabins on the ship. Plus, it was less manual labor and more talking. To be honest, Quartermaster was just a glorified gossip. The only two people that agreed to an interview were Xiomara and Skins. Xiomara was a sailor and had been on the crew for a while. She was eccentric but sweet and had a good relationship with most people on the ship. Theo was hopeful that she would be a good candidate for the job until she sat down with Theo.

"Xi, thanks for meeting with me on such short notice," Theo said politely.

"You got me the day off with Navi, I should be thanking you," Xiomara said.

"That's my treat," Theo chuckled, "I know you know why you are here so I'm just going to go right into it. I picked you as one of the candidates for Quartermaster. I think you would be a good pick becau-"

"I'm going to stop you before you go any further because I must inform you I am not interested in the job," Xiomara interrupted and it took Theo every ounce of willpower not to roll her eyes into the back of her head.

"Why did you take the meeting?" Xyra asked from her position behind Theo.

"I wanted to speak with Theo about something," Xiomara replied.

"Xi, you can have an audience with me any time. My door is always open," Theo said and rested back against her chair, trying not to let out a sigh.

"I know but the opportunity presented itself and I took it," Xiomara reasoned.

Theo took a moment to walk away from the edge of hysterical laughter. She had a feeling this search was going to be useless and that dread mixed with no sleep was pushing her to a breaking point. Once she was ready, she spoke back up.

"What is it you wanted to speak with me about?"

"I would like to propose a room change."

"Xiomara, if it's the fucking trunk room again," Theo trailed off, unable to think of a threat.

"I have made changes to my proposal!"

"It already went to a vote. There will be no trunk room," Theo commanded.

"I just don't understand why," Xiomara exclaimed.

"Because you have a room. Your entire cabin can be a trunk room. It can be filled with trunks. That is why you have one," Theo tried to get Xiomara to see the reason why.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now