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AN: hello sorry to interrupt the reading. i want to post another reminder because some people have missed it. ages in this story are not the same as real life. years are 500 days long so everyone is older than they are. 16=about 22. the formula is 500*age/365

Ava had left Tuni's and walked back to her room before realizing she left her key where she had washed up. When she made it back to Tuni's, she stayed for longer than she was expecting, listening to Tuni talk about a myriad of things. Once she finally made it back to her room with her key and sat on her bed she felt sleepy. She had slept through the whole night yet her body was inviting her back into the bed. Asking for more rest. To avoid giving in to sleep, she stood up and decided to explore the boat. There would be time for sleep later, everyone had been saying they were gearing up for a long journey and she didn't imagine there was much to do on a ship in the middle of the ocean.

She picked her key back up from where she left it and searched around the room for something to help fasten her key around her neck. The only thing she could think about was the piece of twine she could need in the future for lighting a candle. Suddenly, she remembered. She was wearing pants and if she was not mistaken, pants had pockets. Reaching down and sliding her hands down the sides of her pants she found them. She slipped her key in one of them and made her way back out of the room. She was eager to explore the ship, something she enjoyed doing as a child. She would wait in her room until a ship that caught her eye came into port and she would demand her caretaker to take her to the ship. She was usually allowed on and taken around to explore, a perk of her last name. 

She made it to the main staircase but went up instead of down to the deck. The staircase appeared to go below the deck for one floor and upwards for two floors from the deck to the cabin, to a latch. The latch door turned on its hinges and made a thump. She emerged from the opening to an observation deck. When she stood on it she got a beautiful view of the ocean all around her. Further examining the deck, she saw a small ladder going up. She took it up and found the helm of the ship. A massive wheel and other devices unknown to her were littered across the surface, she assumed they all helped steer the ship. She stood for a second in front of the wheel and placed her hands on it.

A huge grin came across her face and she imagined herself with a captain's hat on and the wind blowing her short curls all over as she navigated her very own ship. She stepped back a few moments later in an effort to avoid getting caught doing something embarrassing. She continued to walk around the helm, running her hand across the surface of things she came across. At the back of the deck, there was a latch that she didn't know how to open or where it led, she assumed it ran straight down through the three floors and straight into the captain's quarters. At the front of the deck of the helm, there was a ladder that led all the way down to the main deck and she opted to take that.

Back on the deck, she saw two women talking, paying her no mind. She saw that one of them was Rose but did not recognize the other. Theo said only four people were staying behind and Ava deduced that the woman was Miss Yurwa, who she hadn't met yet. She did not want to be rude and ignore them but they did not seem to register her presence. She had already seen the deck and there was not much to it, so she pushed forward and tried to find an entrance to the lower deck of the ship and after some searching, she found two entrances. The main staircase seemed to only go down one deck to the mess room floor and when she tried opening the other doors on that floor, they were all locked.

After that unsuccessful mission, she found another entrance below at the far right of the deck near Tuni's infirmary. She took the ladder down and was pleased to find an open deck layout on the floor below. She assumed that these might be used for the crew when they were overflowing and there wasn't enough space in the cabins but now, with a smaller crew the floor looked like it was used as a sort of lounge and haven from the sun outside. She continued to explore the inside of the ship, making her way from room to room, ladder to ladder. For hours she got lost in observing every detail of the ship, mesmerized by the intricate craftsmanship and the skill that it took to make this ship.

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