Last Nights Together

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Ava had not woken up with Theo next to her a single morning during their stay there. Theo would manage to slip out before Ava woke up and would do who knows what. That morning though, either Ava was well-rested or Theo wasn't as subtle with getting out of bed but it woke Ava up. Not immediately, she kept her eyes closed just a bit longer before rolling out of bed. Outside, she found Theo doing pushups, wearing what she had been wearing for most of their time there, a breast band, and some loose pants. How Theo managed to stay warm only wearing that was beyond Ava, Theo claimed that it was because she stayed near the fire but there was more to it, it was a supernatural ability to retain body heat.

Theo paused when she heard movement and looked up mid-push-up to see Ava walking out of the house and to the fire. Theo dropped her gaze back down and continued her exercise, muttering what Ava thought were Aelizan numbers. Eventually, Theo dropped her knees to the ground and sat back on them.

"You're up early," Theo commented as she caught her breath, "did I wake you?"

"Aye, but I am glad you did. Been curious as to what you had been up to these past mornings."

"Haven't been training as hard as I used to and figured now would be a good time to get back in the habit," Theo explained, "wanna join? I'm doing some strength training and then I'm going for a run."

"I'll do the run," Ava said then yawned, "not the rest."

"I'll come to get you when I'm ready for the run," Theo said and shooed Ava away with her hands, "make yourself scarce. No peeking."

"I'll just nap in the hammock until you're done," Ava held her hands up and backed away but Theo didn't restart until she was in the hammock and facing up.

But Theo was a fool if she believed that Ava would not defy orders and look over. It was too tempting not to, the promise of a front-row seat to taught muscles and sweat couldn't be resisted. She had always wondered what her sisters' obsession was with watching the soldier boys train at their estate but now she got it. Theo was unyielding. When Ava thought Theo wouldn't be able to go any longer, she kept pushing herself. Ava's training was nothing compared to what Theo was doing. Push-ups, squats, high jumps, more pushups, something weird that looked hard and like Theo struggled with it

There was a routine to it, one that Theo maneuvered expertly and Ava was more than delighted to sit back and enjoy a show. She was still sleepy, having been spoiled with long hours of sleep in a dark, not rocking room had left her wanting more. Ava saw Theo begin to walk towards the hammock and Ava suddenly regretted agreeing to the run. There was no way she could do it.

"Ready?" Theo asked, taking a deep breath as she stopped in front of Ava.

"I've decided I cannot join you, I am afraid I have forgotten how to use my ankles and they simply won't support my weight," Ava shrugged and let out a small, quick sigh, "oh well."

Theo laughed and leaned forward, bringing Ava's chin up with her finger, and placed a soft kiss on the redhead's lips before pulling away, "I hope your ankles feel better soon, I will be back."

Ava was convinced that Theo was going to make her go. While she was more than thankful for the lack of pressure to go run, she was in the mood for something active. Just not a run.

"Maybe when you come back, we can spar or something? Train?" Ava asked and Theo broke out into a wide grin, nodding quickly.

"Aye," Theo leaned in and pecked her lips again, "I will make us some breakfast and then we can train. I found some eggs on my walk to the spring for water so we are going to be eating like nobles this morning!"

Theo backed away, giving Ava a wink before turning around and jogging away. Ava laid back in her hammock with a happy sigh and eventually fell back asleep. She awoke to lips against her forehead and a hand running through her hair.

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