Dangers Lurk Below

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They arrived at the Singing Sisters, the group of islands that the pirates aboard the Scorned Woman knew as their safe place. A place only known to them. The island housed lush green jungles and white sand beaches. The weather outside was dreary and rainy though and didn't give the island the tranquil vibe Theo was so used to. Fuck northern winters, it only got colder and rainier from here. While the weather was a nuisance they were able to unload and bury all their treasure within a day and a half. Then they were back to setting sail towards Corinspe.

A nasty storm was forming in the distance right in the path to Corinspe. Since they were still bound to arrive at Corinspe with plenty of time to spare they decided to take a longer route and avoid any danger of a storm. The new route added three nights to their journey but Theo would have rather another three nights at sea than an eternity under it. They managed to steer clear of the storm.

Since leaving the Signing Sisters, Theo had been getting weird dreams. Three nights in a row she had vivid dreams that made no sense. Flashes of images strewn together with no connection between them. An empty ship deck, fire consuming a tree, a dark stormy night with flashes of thunder littering the sky. By the time she would wake up she would be so shaken up that she would forget the images she had seen, unable to string them back together. On their fourth night after leaving the Signing Sisters, only another evening away from docking in Corinspe, Theo got another dream. This one was different though.

Theo was standing out on the deck of her ship, the night sky above her was gray. She looked around at the empty deck. There was no one else on there, just her. She had an undershirt on, loose and flowing in the wind. The wind picked up speed and almost seemed to take on a life of its own as it tore at her clothing, the cloth ripping at her back, right over her tattooed sigil. She felt the cold air at her exposed skin and looked up at the stormy sky. As she looked up, it cleared up and she was able to see the moon. But the moon she was used to was replaced with the sigil she had learned to draw as a kid. The one she made on the beach and the one tattooed on her back.

Nothing else happened. There was no movement on deck and the wind died out. She was alone and it was quiet. Theo took a step forward, nothing happened. She called out but there was no response. She looked out past the edges of the deck but was met with only darkness. She kept walking though, the wood cool against under her bare feet. She heard a noise from the helm and rushed towards it. She climbed the stairs with incredible speed and as her eyeline caught sight of the helm, Theo saw a figure looking out into the ocean.

The figure was glowing, emanating a slightly blue light from around it. It turned around and Theo felt a warmth enter her body replacing the cold feeling that was there before. Theo felt herself smile in the dream and take a step towards the familiar figure.

"Riva," Theo said and bowed slightly.

The tall figure moved towards her, her features more visible as she came closer. Her dark skin contrasted the light blue robes she had on. Her eyes were aglow with the same faint blue that emanated from her surroundings. Riva's tightly curled hair unmoving and perfectly kept despite the wind that had begun to kick back up. She walked slowly towards Theo, ethereal in her presentation. She reached a long arm out towards the bowing Captain and lifted Theo's chin up to her gaze with a slender finger.

"My child, do not be mistaken," Riva said, "there are dangers lurking beneath the surface."

"What does that mean?" Theo asked.

Riva pulled her hand away from Theo's chin and began to walk away. Theo reached out to try and touch her God but she couldn't, Riva was too far and Theo's feet were stuck in place. Theo didn't understand what had been said to her. It made no sense. She lived on the ocean, of course, there were dangers lurking beneath it.

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