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Shortly after Ava was taken back under the building and to her cell, Uncilo made everyone aware of the looming danger. He spoke of the deal that was struck between The Center and Fletching to send their navy to Corinspian shores. A recess was called so that Seal and his other co-conspirators could be questioned about the deal and if Fletching had already sent the go-ahead for The Center to arrive. Theo had gone to the pirate council and requested that she accompany the council to interrogate the prisoners and offered her services. Uncilo asked if Xyra would prefer to do it but Theo had said no, that she would prefer to. He agreed to allow her to help and before long, she found herself standing in front of a blindfolded Seal.

As she entered the room, the others that had accompanied her downstairs to also participate cleared the way for her, they stood back by the doorway. Theo placed her hands on either one of the arms of Seal's chair and tutted her tongue.

"Pathetic," Theo chuckled and then pulled off his blindfold. Seal blinked and adjusted his eyes to the darkness and saw Theo's face. He frowned, "You get me and not Xy, sorry to disappoint."

"Better for me," Seal said with a small smirk forming.

"Worse for you," Theo laughed and patted his cheek, watching Seal flinch as she did that, "See, unlike Xyra, I don't have much experience in this sort of thing. So, I don't know moderation. For me, it's all in, right away. To avoid the pain that comes with that, cooperate."

"What do you need to know?" Seal already seemed defeated. He had heard stories of what The Scorned Woman had done to their prisoners and was likely trying to avoid it.

"Was the go-ahead given? Did Fletching send that letter for the attack to happen?" Theo asked.

"What letter?" Seal looked at Theo straight in the eyes.

Maybe, he wasn't defeated. Theo took out her dagger from her waist and smashed the hilt of it into his hand like a hammer, breaking multiple bones. Seal let out a startling scream and tried to move back but all his limbs were tied down.

"I am not here to fuck around! Next, I slice your whole hand clean off," Theo warned, "you are not valuable to me, I have three more of you fuckers that can give me answers. Keeping you alive is not my priority. Now, I'll ask again. Did he send the letter?"

"He sent it ten suns ago!" Seal gasped out then added in a whisper, "He sent it ten suns ago..."

"Right," Theo looked over at Uncilo and his men and nodded, "That's basically all we needed."

"Very well," Uncilo nodded, "we are going to be asking him and the others questions to confirm what the pages you turned in tell us. Are you staying for that?"

"No, I have shit I have to deal with, but I have one more thing to ask," Theo mentioned and then turned her attention back to Seal, "Do they know about Avery?"

Seal didn't give Theo the chance to hurt him that time, he came clean right away, "Fletching didn't tell them. He wanted her as a guarantee for safety in case The Center went back on their word. He wanted leverage."

"How did he find out?" Theo pressed.

"We saw her portrait in the Vaith's estate We left here to go inform Vaith of what you had asked the pirates to do, and we saw her there. We used one of our men on the inside to find us the document from The Vault that confirmed her identity," Seal's breath was labored as he tried to work through the pain in his hand.

For good measure, Theo balled up her fist and struck him across the jaw.

"Thank you for your cooperation, you dirty rotten bastard."

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now