Officer's Meeeting

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AN: over 5k chapter disclaimer and plot continuity information at the end of the chapter, there have been changes you will notice in this chapter

Tuni had thrown the door to Theo's captain's quarters wide open, a scowl on her face, "You did not have clearance to leave the infirmary."

Theo looked up from her desk, thankfully the training session with Xyra had long been over and Tuni was none the wiser. Theo had been working on the agenda for the officer's meeting with Xyra when Tuni barged in, "I don't have to have permission to do anything on my own ship, Fortune."

Tuni stomped her small foot down, "You are going to come with me and we are going to dress your wound."

"Finish up the agenda, will you?" Theo told Xyra after standing up, "Then go get Cooker from the thravern, we're due to start the meeting soon."

Theo got her wound redressed and Tuni fitted her with a sling to put her arm in. The meeting was due to start soon but she was starving so she headed down to Rose to see if she had prepared anything that morning. She usually didn't on suns they were docked but sometimes there was a morsel or two lying around the kitchen. Theo found the kitchen void of anything, food, and people. She would have to make a quick run somewhere at the port to find food. She was walking back down the long hallways when she noticed the library door ajar and small light coming from inside. She pushed the door open and peeked inside to find Ava curled up in her usual chair.

"Last morning in Niveal and you spent it reading? You are a bit predictable," Theo teased and walked inside.

Ava looked up, alarmed at the intrusion so early in the morning. She hadn't expected anyone to come by the library, "I bought a bunch of books and I wanted to finish the one I was on before I dive into my new ones."

"Have any other plans for the day?" Theo asked.

"Just reading."

"Want to accompany me to get something to eat?"

"Aye," Ava said without hesitation and blew out her candle, "I'm famished."

They walked into port and Theo managed to find them a little cart tucked away in a corner. Theo ordered a couple of things but had trouble finishing the transaction, her limited amount of limbs made it hard to grab all the food. Ava stepped in to help, grabbing the goods from the vendor and handing some of it to Theo.

Theo bit into her breakfast, Ava just watched her as they walked back to the ship, "Are you alright?"

"Aye," Theo smiled and kept chewing, "Tuni says there is no infection and the arrow hit in the best place it could. I'm expected to make a full recovery."

"Cooker said you own a business now," Ava said.

"A thravern," they said in unison and then laughed. They walked back to the ship, they almost finished the food on the short trek back.

"Since you're not up to much this aftermorning, We are having an officer's meeting in a little bit. We talk about ship business, possible routes, and upcoming jobs. Want to join us?" Theo asked.

"Me?" Ava asked and pointed to herself, "I'm not an officer."

"We don't have officers on the ship. It's just what I call the girls that vote on ship matters so I can avoid calling them inner circle meetings. That is what everyone else likes to call it and I refuse to give in," Theo chuckled, "Meetings are open to everyone. No one comes to them but they are open. You always give good input. We'd love to have you there."

It was the truth. Ava was good at giving valuable insight by providing opinions that weren't conventional to them. She forced them to think of a different perspective. She also questioned everything, partly because of her curious nature and partly because of naivety. The questioning made them have to justify their actions so, in a way, Ava provided accountability. The crew had been through so much hurt and trauma in their lives that sometimes it was hard to objectively analyze their enemy and Ava helped combat that. It was subtle, something Theo had noticed after only a few instances of Ava doing so. Theo was always shocked at how well Ava had melded into the crew.

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