Fortune's Favor

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Ava got so into her work that at some times, she had tunnel vision. There was nothing else to worry about except her tasks. It was useful on busy suns, where her shifts started way too early and she could do nothing but think of sleep. Ava would simply focus on the list of responsibilities and in the blink of an eye, it was the end of her shift and time for a nap. However, tunnel vision also made her slightly illogical. If there was an obstacle with one task, it was hard to move on and circle back to it. Which was how she found herself standing outside of Xyra's quarters on the sloop listening in on what seemed to be a very personal conversation.

They were due to leave within a few hours. The sloop and the Scorned Woman were fully stocked with, in her opinion, overpriced goods. The route was set. The roles were redistributed and redecided. The only thing that was left was for all of the hungover pirates to wake up and take their respective positions. Ava was running some last-minute errands, she had woken up early enough to move enough of her stuff back to the Scorned Woman, that was where she was starting the journey. After that, she was checking off last-minute things from her to-do list. Theo had given her a few items to run over to Xyra's quarters before departing, a few small bags full of stuff; what Ava could only assume were snacks Theo collected for Xyra during her time away.

Ava had made a beeline straight from Theo's room, across the two ships, and marched diligently to Xyra's quarters. She almost didn't notice the raised voices engaged in angry conversation. Ava stopped at the last possible second, just barely avoiding walking into a very awkward moment. She figured she would just have to wait it out and then hand the items over to Xyra. Ava took a few steps back and leaned up against the outside of Xyra's quarters, not even considering that she could step away and return after. Not even considering that she could place the snacks down and leave to do other things. Not even considering that she could do anything else but eavesdrop on a very private conversation.

Alas, she did none of those things and instead listened in.

"You were gone for most of the sun," Xyra said, "there was no time to tell you."

"You spent hours with me before I left for the beach, you could have taken any of that time to give me a heads up that you would be on a different fucking ship for three cycles!" Navi raised her voice. Ava couldn't see her but she seemed upset.

"I did not think you would care," Xyra sounded calm compared to Navi.

"Didn't think I would c-" Navi cut herself off with a scoff, "we are supposed to be together now, Xyrabellis, obviously I fucking care if we are going to be apart for a shit ton of time."

"I will still be able to see you occasionally. My second can cover me for a night," Xyra still sounded unbothered while Navi only sounded more frustrated, "it will work itself out, Nav."

"I know what you're doing, Xy, it's so fucking obvious!" Navi's increasingly more agitated state seemed to meet a wall.

"Not sure what you are referring to."

"You're pushing me away," Navi said, "you are self-sabotaging instead of just talking things through with me. Or talking about whatever is causing you to do this."

"Is there a reason you are being a creep?" a voice appeared next to her and Ava jumped, clutching the bag of goods closer to her as a result.

Ava looked over to see Cooker, then scowled a bit, "No, I am waiting to drop something off."

"Dropping something off and eavesdropping on a lover's quarrel are two different things," Cooker pointed out.

"Can I help you?" Ava rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, the bag inconveniencing the movement.

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