A Shocking Display

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They were about an hour away from entering Corinspe's waters. The reason Corinspe was so integral to pirate life was its ability to act as a defensible headquarters for pirates. A safe haven for just those in the way of life of piracy. Niveal was for all outlaws but Corsinpe was just for pirates. It was able to stay that way and not fall under Baethan control because of the large reef that surrounded the island. For miles in every direction, one of Northern Baethos' largest reefs with only one space large enough to clear ships, helped protect the small island.

To those that knew the route in, the route was perilous. To those that didn't, the route was impossible. Even if the route through the reef was leaked to an opposing party, like traders or the government, Corinpse was easily defended. Ships could only enter in a single file line and there were fortresses and cannons lining the part of the island that faced the entrance. No enemy ship would make it past the opening into the bay, causing a buildup and a failed invasion.

In a little while, the entrance would be upon them and Theo would need to be on deck and on high alert, helping Navi through the waters. However, it was pushing into the early hours of the morning and Theo was having a hard time staying awake. Ava offered to stay up with the captain to keep her company while others slept in anticipation of the big day. Arrival day. That is where they found themselves, Theo on the floor and Ava on the bed; Ava's hands digging into Theo's hair and tugging at strands of it. In an attempt to keep them awake and distracted, Ava decided to see how Theo looked with braided hair.

"I look awful," Theo blurted out when Ava had done simple braids down her head like Morgana.

"I like it," Ava cooed and titled Theo's head around in the looking glass as if that would help convince her.

"Take it out," Theo demanded.

"Fine, but I get to try something else," Ava negotiated and Theo rolled her eyes but agreed.

Theo liked to complain if it was too silent, just to take the piss, and Ava knew that so she kept the conversation flowing.

"Did you ever have to go through the name dropping process?" Ava asked, finger nimbly braiding a section on the side of Theo's head.

"No, I had nothing to drop. My parents were given titles but rejected them before I was born so I was born into a family with no last name," Theo explained but knew if she left the conversation on that topic that questions of her parents would arise, "Why? Are you nervous about yours?"

"More nervous about, like, what the process is. I don't like to walk into things without knowing what's expected and Xyra did a good job explaining but I wanted to know more," Ava admitted.

"You've picked the wrong path for life if the unknown bothers you," Theo pointed out which Ava laughed at.

"Aye, it is something I overcome every day," Ava joked, well, half-joked.

"I can't tell you much about the actual ritual, the whole point of it is that it is a secret. All of what we do at Corinspe is. It is simple though. As long as you know how to write your name you should be good to go," Theo answered, purposely cryptic but decided to let her in on as much of the process as she could, "You'll go through the name dropping ceremony with only a few others present. After that, you're joined with the rest of the crew for initiation. The whole thing takes less than an hour and there are no human sacrifices or eating hearts. That is left to traders."

"I am about to become a pirate," Ava said.

Theo felt Ava's fingers stop braiding her hair and she looked back, there was a distant look in her eyes. Theo reached up and pulled Ava's hand off of her head and held it in her hand.

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