Routines Are Good

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"Captain Theo!" a voice called out in joy as she walked through the shop's door, "welcome!"

Theo nodded in the direction of the person, a boy, taller than she last remembered him, "Von. You've gotten so big, mate. Good to see you."

Theo walked over to where he was behind the counter, "This morning, we heard word that you had docked."

"Gotta be more careful then, can't have the animals know a pirate is in their area," Theo quipped, referring to the swarms of soldiers across the continent.

The boy snorted then pulled out a tray from a display, "My mama prepared this for when you came. Some items we thought you would like. Pick any of them, I am going to go find her for you."

Theo nodded and flashed a smile at the boy as she watched him walk away. Theo looked down at the tray and saw the assortment of pretty items that had been picked for her. She knew she didn't need anything but she wanted it all, she picked up one of the pieces. Theo had told herself that she wouldn't get her hopes up about the possibility of her other crew being okay and part of what was bringing up her hope was purchasing things for her lost crew. Yet every time she went into a new shop or passed by a stand she had an urge to buy her friends things. Xyra hadn't gotten to visit this side of Efriti in about a length so Theo looked out for the items she knew Xyra liked. She also kept an eye out for things for Ava; silk bandanas that she had taken to wearing in her hair, earrings that would match her eyes, a few clothing items for when it began to get warmer. It was something she had to restrain herself from doing but even then she had a small drawer in her room filled with presents for her other crew. Theo didn't want to think about what would happen if they didn't arrive at the rendezvous point. The mere thought nauseated her. It wasn't something she wanted out in the universe, in case the negative thoughts manifested themselves into truth.

Theo set down the small gold chain that was in her hand back down on the small tray in front of her. Xyra would love something like this, her own gold chain had broken a while back. But Theo told herself no, it wasn't necessary to buy. As she set it down, a woman appeared and Theo looked up at her, the shop owner. A tall woman with a shaved head, dark skin, and deep brown eyes. Her arms, hands, ears, and neck were home to intricate jewelry, designs she made herself. Chiali was her name, and her business had been under Theo's protection for about 3 lengths.

"I don't need anything today, Chi," Theo smiled, "I'm away from Xy at the moment and I promised her I would take it easy on the spending."

"I insist you take something," Chiali shook her head and pushed the tray with assorted jewelry back towards Theo, "I can't pay you the full amount that we owe you but I can make up for it in gifts."

"Is everything good?" Theo tilted her head, concerned, "Business slow?"

"Business is great actually," Chiali rubbed her forehead, "but ever since they stationed new soldiers here, they'll come in every few suns and demand money."

"How long has this been going on?" Theo frowned and crossed her arms.

"Two cycles, around there," Chiali began to look increasingly distressed, "they've been taking practically all my profit. What's left is what I use to live for me and Von and what I have been saving for you."

Theo shook her head, sick that she couldn't be there to help fend off the soldiers, "Has this been happening to others?"

"Yure's Apothecary has been under their thumb too," Chiali explained, "I think it's because we make somewhat good money and we are both women that are alone."

"Scum of society," Theo scoffed a bit and pushed the tray back to her, "keep your inventory. How much do you have for me?"

"Just over 700 gold," Chiala said, "I know it's less than last length but I had to tap into it to pay for Von's school. He's been learning a lot and I know you wouldn't have minded as long as it was serving a purpose."

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