Merry Ment

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It was a good while before Theo relaxed enough to sit back and engage in conversation with the driver, Elden. The very beginning signs of the next morning were visible by the time she was convinced that nothing would catch up to them; hours and hours had passed since they left the city and Theo was not looking forward to the next few suns of travel. She was itching to have her feet planted back on the planks of wood she called her home and back with those she left behind. Theo had been an awful companion up until that point, biting at her fingers and nails as she thought about her night. The number of things she could have potentially said to Jona was consuming her thoughts.

Once she had run through the scenario dozens of times and was content with her analysis of the situation, as content as she could be, she was a better driving partner. Theo started with simple questions about Elden, where was he from? Who was his family? How'd he get into the business of carting people?

Elden was born and raised in the town they had docked at and had been there for generations. At some point, after the 38th classification, his family had relocated from Aeliz. They spoke about Aeliz for a while, it being common knowledge that Theo was from that area. Elden spoke about a trip he had taken there lengths prior in order to reconnect with some old family. It brought a bit of joy to Theo's heart to hear him speak of a place she held so close to her heart. Aeliz was, and Theo was not just saying this because it was where she was from, the most beautiful display of what nature could offer. He spoke of hiking through the mountains and swimming in lagoons that littered the island, fondly recounting his experience. His goal was to retire there, perhaps as soon as the end of the classification.

His family business was carting people all around East Nefriti, Dricaster being a route they took often. He had brought his three sons, his two nephews, and another townsboy with him on this journey, his brother staying behind to tend to business. Theo didn't mind the small talk, in fact, she had pushed much of it forward. And while she did enjoy hearing about Elden's children and his life's work, there were more pressing issues she wanted to ask him about. After she felt like she had given enough time to get to know him and let him ask questions about her life as a pirate, Theo brought up the symbol Xyra had shown her.

"So, which of the ones you brought along is the rebel?" Theo asked, after a bit of silence in between conversations.

He chuckled and shrugged, "I suppose we all are rebels if that is what you want to call us."

"Couldn't think of a better family bonding experience," she teased, which caused Elden to laugh.

"We all do what we can to help, but my eldest two are the ones who concern themselves with the organization's politics," Elden provided, "my oldest son is the one who carries the patch, says if we were to get caught with it he would take the fall. You know how the youngsters are with their honor and sacrifice; can't get those ideas out of his head."

"Can't say I don't know where he is coming from," she related with a smile, "mind me asking what your organization is and how you got involved?"

"Rebellion isn't new 'round the coast but it's not just passive rebellion anymore. No more just rebelling in our homes in the things we do in secret," Elden hesitated for a second, probably off instinct. It wasn't often people could openly talk about these things. He adjusted the reins in his hands and cracked his back before relaxing again, "We've been hearing about a larger group, one with influence trying to get something started. I suppose getting involved wasn't a choice, we had to. The school I send my children to is a few miles out of town is also the school for two other neighboring towns. One of my eldest's old schoolmates informed my son about a group that had formed in their area. From there, my son had the idea to start our own chapter in our town. We help each other out."

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