Cheap Shots

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Theo had a piece of wood she had found that was the width of half of her palm in one hand and a knife in the other. She was whittling it down, she wasn't sure into what just yet but her projects always started as such. Theo would find her direction eventually. In the meantime, she was thoroughly engrossed in slicing small pieces off the wood. Someone entered her quarters and she took her feet off the desk and put the items in her hands down. It was Rose.

"Breakfast was lovely this morning, thank you, Rose," Theo complimented her visitor, "What can I do for you?"

"Want the girl gone, the red one," Rose said bluntly.

"Ava?" Theo laughed, "She's only been working with you for a sun, she can't be that bad."

"Red's good," Rose conceded, "Don't need help."

"Rose, all due respect but you do need help. You work from sunrise to sunset in a hot and stuffy room cooking three meals for over 30 women," Theo reasoned and got up, "Eventually you are going to need to train someone to help because we are expanding."

"Eventually, not now," Rose insisted and Theo sighed.

Theo would at least give Rose a few more cycles until she pushed the idea again. That way by the time Rose actually needed to start training someone to take over a new ship she would be ready to accept the help.

"Fine," Theo gave in, "Go tell her she's off for the day while I figure out her next job."

Rose made no move to leave, only stared at Theo. Theo should have known better. Firing Ava would have taken more than three words which is not something Rose was willing to do. And it was after breakfast when Rose would have her daily walk with Miss Yurwa. Going to fire Ava would put Rose at risk of being late for that very important part of her routine.

"I'll go," Theo stood up, "Where is she?"


"Thank you, Rose," Theo pocketed the piece of wood, tucked the knife into the sheath, placed it on her waistband, and walked toward Rose. She planted a kiss on the cook's forehead, "You're getting someone in that kitchen eventually."

"Eventually," Rose repeated with a chuckle and followed the Captain outside.

Theo walked towards the kitchen, saying hello to whoever she passed on the way. She made it down to the mess hall and there was no one left eating breakfast. All of the plates had been cleared and there was no mess to be found. Walking into the kitchen was a different story. The plates were piled high and there was leftover food everywhere. Ava was standing in the middle of the kitchen, arms crossed in front of her chest. She was staring intently at the fire that was burning in the stove and had a scowl on her face.

"I was going to say good morning but apparently it is not one," Theo teased and Ava jumped slightly. Theo had been popping up and scaring Ava far too often. Theo would have to find a way to announce her presence in a less threatening manner.

"I was told I couldn't help by starting on lunch or doing the dishes," Ava sulked.

"And that warrants a battle stare? I don't think you are meant to be a pirate," Theo laughed and Ava's face softened into a hurt expression and Theo felt guilty, "That was a joke, I just meant that pirates are lazy. We love to be told to not work."

Ava usually wasn't too sensitive when it came to their banter. A nice back and forth had always been present between them but as time went on and they spent more cycles together, their banter became quicker and wittier. Ava hadn't ever reacted so poorly to something Theo had said before while teasing her.

"You okay?" Theo asked.

Ava chewed on her bottom lip, staring at the fire again, and shrugged her shoulders. Theo came closer and stood next to her, staring at the fire too. She figured Ava was processing whatever was bothering her and would spill eventually, she always did. Ava wore her emotions on her sleeves. If Ava was upset, slighted, tired, happy, curious, elated, angry, or confused, she would be sure to let someone know. Theo appreciated it, it just meant there was one less walled up, stubborn pirate that refused to talk about their feelings.

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