The Bender v.2

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Every place they went into they either had a spot that was reserved for them or wherever they decided to sit, the previous inhabitants would scatter. Theo led Ava to the back corner of the room to a series of couches and chairs. They had a good view of the whole room from their new spot and Ava began her routine inspection of the place upon finding a seat. This place was more diverse than the last places she had been in. Most of the bars and taverns they had been in were crowded with men but here there was an equal amount of both inside.

Ava noticed other things that were different about this place. It was less of a bar and more of a gathering spot. Some people were making their way around the space with trays of drinks, food, and what looked like similar trays to the one they ordered at Grogon's. There were also very scantily clad men and women making their rounds around the room. The men had either no shirt on or very tight sleeveless shirts and shorts on. The women were in small skirts and tight corsets, breasts practically falling out of their bindings. Upon further inspections, Ava noticed these men and women leading other patrons into rooms and the reality of where they were drawn on Ava. Wherever they were it was a hybrid between a bar, a drug longue, a gathering space, and a brothel.

Ava had never been inside a brothel before, especially not one that had men employees too. It didn't seem to be as decrepit and nasty as her parents had made it out to be. She wasn't experienced in the politics of it though. She was unaware of the differences of opinions over these establishments, having had only a glimpse into it the other night. Ava would have to read and ask Cooker about it, find out more, and form her own opinions. Theo, who had disappeared shortly after escorting them to their seats, came back and took up the spot on the couch next to Ava.

Ava turned her attention to Theo. In the candlelight, Ava could see Theo's busted lip and a bruise forming around her mouth. Her hand that was resting on the arm of the couch was swollen and there was drying blood on her rings. Ava had remembered the word that man had called Theo. It was a different tongue, a similar tone to the one Theo and the others had been speaking. She had so many questions for the pirate but she opted to relax back into the couch. Soon enough, people with all kinds of trays began passing through. By the time they had all left Ava had a full plate of food, some havcera, and a drink.

"Wanna share that? I can light the pipe for us if you do," Theo offered and pointed at the havcera Ava had asked for. She had been proud of herself for being able to answer when the server asked if she wanted anything.

"Aye," Ava handed her the pipe and the grass, "I'm not that good at the mechanics of it yet."

Theo laughed, "It's a learned skill."

Ava picked at her food as she watched Theo go through the whole process. It was like a small ritual and she could see the appeal of it all. The subculture of drugs was half the fun, it seemed like. She watched as Theo lit the pipe and held the smoke in her lungs. When she blew out, she tried to form a ring with the smoke. It failed and both of them laughed. Theo passed the pipe to Ava who took a hit. Once they had passed it back and forth and burned everything in the pipe, Theo put it down. They both relaxed against the back of the couch but Ava didn't take her eyes off Theo, head turned toward the captain.

Theo turned her head and grinned at Ava, "Go ahead."

"What?" Ava laughed.

"Ask whatever questions you have?" Theo elaborated.

"Why do you always assume I have questions?"

"Well, don't you?"

"I do," Ava chuckled a bit, staring into Theo's deep brown eyes. She kept her eyes trained on Theo but moved her body so she was curled up sideways, "What did that man call you?"

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