Night After Night of You

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When Ava awoke the arms that had been wrapped around her all night were absent and as she rolled over and felt around the bed she realized she was alone. Ava gave herself a few more minutes of shut-eye before rolling out of bed. She pulled on one of the coats they had packed for her and stepped outside. It was earlier than it had been when she woke up the day before, the sun had just risen. Theo was standing by the fire, her back to Ava. Theo had on some loose black pants, flowing in the wind and a tight band of fabric across her chest, the rest of her torso exposed. Ava could see Theo's tattoos in the morning light and they never ceased to amaze her, the intricate patterns must have held so much meaning.

Theo heard the crunching of the sand behind her and turned around, flashing a large smile, "My day has just become brighter."

Ava felt her cheeks flush and her chest warm and she gave a small, sleepy wave as she stopped next to Theo, "Morning."

"Breakfast will be ready started soon," Theo commented and Ava just nodded then leaned over a bit and rested her head against Theo's arm.

She felt the arm move from under her and wrap around her shoulders. Ava was pulled in by Theo and she responded by wrapping her arms around Theo's midsection. They were quiet, basking in each other's warmth as they stared at the steadily rising sun. Ava could hear Theo's heartbeat, a calming rhythm. They stayed in their embrace for a while before Theo pressed her lips to Ava's head and removed her arm. Ava let Theo go and Theo took the opportunity to walk back towards the house to start preparing breakfast. The mood already felt lighter, Theo seemed better. Whatever thoughts had been plaguing her the sun before had dissipated and Ava felt the same way. Her worries from the night before were mostly gone and she felt free. Free to enjoy Theo, free to enjoy nature, free to enjoy the time off.

Theo returned with wooden bowls of fruit, larger than the morning before and with more variety. She handed it to Ava and then sat down by the fire.

"Sorry I didn't make anything to go with it. I figured we could have a large dinner?" Theo suggested and Ava agreed silently.

Ava ate her own fruit at a slower pace than Theo did, who was just popping whole chunks of fruit in her mouth, barely chewing and then swallowing. Ava laughed to herself a bit and Theo raised an eyebrow.


"You eat like someone that was raised around pirates," Ava commented and it earned her a small shove from Theo.

In response to Ava's comment, aside from a push, Theo stuffed four large pieces of fruit in her mouth and began to chew. It was difficult for Theo but entertaining for Ava and as Theo tried to chew on the fruit crowding her mouth, juice began to spill down her chin. Ava laughed which caused Theo to laugh and almost choke on the fruit. Theo had to spit it out on the sand with a cough as Ava's laughs grew more uncontrolled. Theo began to sweep sand over the fruit that was now on the floor and she looked over at Ava with a shrug.

"I'll clean it up later," Theo laughed and wiped the juice from her chin.

"I hope you forget so you have to step on it later," Ava said.

"I hope I forget so you have to step on it later," Theo challenged and this time it was Ava's turn to shove Theo.

Theo barely moved at being pushed by Ava and picked up her fruit bowl again, unfazed. Ava picked at her fruit but there was a lot and she was already getting full. She pushed around the fruit for a bit and her mind wandered to what Theo had been doing the night before. How long had she been out? Where did she go? Whatever it had been, she looked, sounded, and acted a lot more relieved about whatever was on her mind.

"You look less burdened today," Ava pointed out.

Theo looked somewhat shocked by the comment at first like she hadn't expected Ava to be able to pick up on the mood change so quickly. Her shock was replaced by a smile and she gave a quick nod, "I am. I had a lot on my mind that I had to work through. "

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