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Ava awoke the next morning to the sound of metal clinking against metal and the sounds of various pirates engaged in different conversations. She cursed herself for leaving her window open and getting awake yet again, but when she opened her eyes, she saw she wasn't in her room. She jolted up and looked around. She was lying down in Theo's bed with a blanket over her and no Theo to be found. She scrambled off the bed and began to tidy it up, sheets tucked under the bed and pillows fluffed.

As she walked outside, she found herself in the middle of what seemed to be some kind of training session. All of the members of the crew were spread out around the deck, weapons in their hands. Most everyone seemed too preoccupied sparring to notice. A few women, who were exchanging parries close to the captain's quarters, looked over at Ava but quickly returned to their work. Ava felt her cheeks heat up and the embarrassment from earlier washed over her again.

She knew how it looked, emerging from the captain's quarter in the early morning in the same clothes as the night before. Ava, along with most of the crew, wore the same outfit every sun but the situation was still suspect. The women who had looked overpaid her no mind though, and returned to their work.

Either this happened a lot or these pirates just really didn't care about anyone else's business. It was most likely a mix of both, though. She saw Xyra at the opposite end of the deck, hands locked behind her back as she paced back and forth. If there was anyone Ava didn't want to notice that she came out of Theo's room it was Xyra.

Ava quickly walked away from Theo's room and lingered around the ladder that led to her cabin. She stared as she watched Xyra shout command and the pirates followed. They each had a sword or a dagger in their hand and they seemed to be going through training drills. She was mesmerized with how the women knew what to do and when to do it. Her attention was so focused on the women training she didn't notice Theo coming up next to her.

Ava felt her cheeks heat up for what felt like the eighth time that morning, "Good Morning. I am so sorry for falling asleep like that. I would never have-"

Theo raised her hand, stopping Ava. "No need to apologize. It was funny. There are also plenty of empty cabins on this ship so it was easy relocating."

Ava nodded in response and flashed Theo a smile, "Well, thank you for letting me have your bed for the night."

"You are quite welcome," Theo smiled at her then looked over at the crowd in front of her, "Dola, you are leaving your side open! Fix your stance!"

Ava watched as the young girl Theo directed changed her stance. Ava did not know much about fighting but it seemed to be a more effective way to stand. She wondered how people learned this and how they would not forget this during a moment of high stress.

"Can you teach me?" Ava asked.

Theo let out a small laugh and shook her head, "Pirates and will-be pirates only, love. I'm sorry."

"I have almost gotten abducted and assaulted various times. Should I not be able to at least defend myself?" Ava reasoned. If there was anything she had learned about Theo in the short amount of time they had spent together is that she seemed to respond well to logic.

Theo smiled and shrugged, "I suppose you're right. You'd need a weapon though and last I checked, you were missing one."

"So you're telling me you would give me enough money to get settled somewhere but wouldn't just give me a weapon?"

"You have a point there."

"Enough of a point to give me a weapon?"

"No," Theo laughed.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now