Watch It Burn

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Theo had promised Giorina that their vanguard would be there in case anything went sideways. Word had gotten around town by the time Theo had left the infirmary and the once empty streets began to crowd. Theo and Ava walked to the town square where there were quite a number of people already gathered. Theo didn't spot her vanguard but she saw Xyra on the other end of the square and Xyra gave her a nod. The vanguard was there, they were just hidden. Waiting in case something went south.

The sun was beginning to set and the curfew was set to begin. Some places were lax about it, especially after something like a death had occurred. The memo the soldiers received was to keep the peace. Any little spark in Safiriti could light the whole rebellion back on fire. Killing one person in the name of the law wouldn't spark the revolution but the inability to let the population grieve would. If they dared enforce curfew to cut short the vigil for a man they just killed, the city would revolt.

However, there were no guarantees for how the night would go and the soldiers could decide to provoke the citizens of Alenroux. If the night did go badly, at least the townspeople had aid. Cooker appeared at Theo's side and nodded at the Captain wordlessly.

The procession started as soon as the last bit of sun was over the mountains that were barely visible in the distance. Some people held candles, those that didn't know the man personally. Those that did know him held items that had personal significance to the victim. It was a somber and melancholy mood. There was silence, only interrupted by the shuffle of people moving about the square. There was a box placed at the steps to the town hall and people kept going up to place things inside. Food, jewelry, clothes, notes, letters, art, books all were put inside by different people. Each type of item had a cultural or personal significance and was used by the mourning family for different rituals having to do with the passing of their loved ones.

The first hour passed and there were no guards in sight. The square filled up more and more as more time passed. People began to see that the vigil was allowed to peacefully progress and they came out to show their support. Giorina stood at the front of the crowd, right in front of the box, thanking everyone that approached her. Theo watched as she expertly handled herself through the grief she must have been feeling. Giorina stood alone though, no apparent family around her. It must have been just her and her grandfather.

Many of those with candles were on the second half of their wax by that point in the night. There were enough people around that Theo had to get on her toes in order to see the front. Suddenly, she heard a loud whistle from her right and her head snapped that way. She saw Morgana, silver hair standing out in the moonlight. Theo's stomach dropped and she put her hand on her sword. Shit was about to go down.

"Red, I need you to listen to me," Theo said with urgency, "Go find Xyra on the other side of the courtyard. She's going to need your help."

"Help with-" Ava said but she cut herself off halfway, her eyes going wide. She darted away in Xyra's direction.

Theo followed where Ava's eyeline was and saw the horde of soldiers marching down the path. They were about two minutes away and their marching could be faintly heard. Their front lines carried torches that could be seen from the square. Theo rushed forward, weaving through the crowds to try and get to Giorina. They would target her first, arrest her for instigating a crowd, and encouraging the breaking of curfew.

"You have to get out of here," Theo said once she reached the woman at the top of the stairs, "I can hide you in my ship for the night."

"I'm not going anywhere," Giorina said and she took a seat on the stairs.

Theo put her hand to her forehead and spun around to see what her next move was. She saw Xyra and Ava running out of the square and to the ship. She saw Cooker with her dagger drawn and Morgana a few hundred feet away with a flail behind her back. She scanned the crowd and saw many of her crew members, ready to fight if the time came. Theo knew Giorina was not moving, she was going to prove a point even if the cost was her life. Theo retreated back into the crowd, opting to hide in plain sight in case she was needed.

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