Arrival in Gossem

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Whatever Ava had thought having sex with Theo would be like was wrong. She didn't even think there were words to describe how elated she felt both during and after. She was afraid that maybe she had built it up in her head and when the time came it would be lackluster or no better than what she had already experienced. She had been worried that maybe sleeping with three other people at once was the height of pleasure and anything else would be boring but that was far from the case. It was pressure free yet nerve-wracking, exhilarating yet calming, fun but serious. An oxymoron of a time, her emotions and senses were haywire and she never wanted it to end.

Apparently, neither did Theo because they never technically stopped, they were simply interrupted. It had been several hours since they had woken up when there was a knock on the locked door. Theo scrambled to her feet, pulling on clothes as they were both trying to stifle laughter. Ava took the hint and began to get dressed too as Theo called out.

"Be right there!" Theo ran to her wardrobe to pull on a different shirt than the night before.

"Evana needs you in her office," a voice called out, Cooker.

"Got it! Do you know what for?" Theo called back out as she made her way to the door then peeked out. There was no one there so Theo locked the door with confusion on her face.

Theo made her way over to where Ava had ended up, on a chair next to the bed, struggling to pull her pants up. Theo placed her hands on the arms of the chair which forced Ava to stop struggling and look up at Theo.

"I am sorry we couldn't end things properly," Theo lamented and tried to get eyes on Ava to see how she was feeling. Ava appreciated the care and reached up to cup Theo's cheek.

"'Tis the life of a captain," Ava smiled, letting Theo know it was okay and she wasn't going to lose any sleep over it, "Might have to ask for a re-do tonight though. Y'know, just to do things the right way."

Theo smirked and leaned forward to capture Ava in a kiss before pulling away, "See you later, Quartermaster. You will be hearing from me."

Theo began to walk away but Ava stood up, pants halfway on, and grabbed her wrist, "Wait, how do I get out of here."

"Just walk out the front door?"

"Well I mean, obviously that is the way out but shouldn't I go out through the poop deck or something? People will see me," Ava said, she assumed they were keeping this hidden for the time being.

"It's not the first time you've fallen asleep in my room," Theo reminded, "People know better than to ask questions about what goes on in here, you'll be fine."

"I mean, if you insist," Ava shrugged and let Theo go then resumed trying to tug her pants back up,


Theo was walking on clouds all day, she swore her feet were not even touching the ground. She had not expected her morning to go that way but she wasn't complaining. Theo did wish they were not interrupted. She had been waiting for that moment for cycles and it was cut far too short. Granted they had been going at it for hours but still. Theo had a grin on her face all day but no one commented on it. The day went by pretty quickly even though she was counting every second, waiting for the next time she would see Ava. Which was not until the sun had set and the chatter from the mess hall could be heard from the deck.

Theo had not as much as caught a glimpse of her new quartermaster since she had left the room in the morning. She had heard through the grape vine, Xyra informing her, Ava had taken it upon herself to interview the girls and try to find them the best job to suit their skills. Theo thought it was a stroke of brilliance, it would save time and energy for both the women and the heads of the ship's departments.

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