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Theo was walking the deck when she heard the call from the crow's nest, "Pirates incoming!"

She frantically looked across the horizon and saw a small shadow shaped like a ship. She ran as fast as she could up to the helm and took the spyglass from one the crew's hand and looked out to where the boat was "Aye. That's the Howler alright. Xyra, call everyone to their positions. Get Morgana to lead those who can't fight downstairs."

Xyra nodded and disbursed, leaving Theo yelling commands from the helm to the crew around her. Theo's mind was racing to come up with a strategy before they arrived. It was another 30 minutes before the first signs of battle would even come but they needed to have a plan. She knew that Espbar had just traded up to the Howler not even half a length ago and when he traded it, the seller took out all the cannons from below because he didn't have enough gold for it. Xyra walked back up the stairs and looked at Theo.

"Cap, the cannons," Xyra said, a little out of breath from running up the stairs.

"I know. It's our best chance. He has none and his crew is bigger so we need the advantage. I will alert the master gunner, we need the cannons ready to fire as soon as the ship is within reach. Bring Oceane to the helm. She's the only one here who can handle a bow and we are going to need one," Theo said and looked at Xyra, "You know the drill. If I don't make it out of this, the ship is yours."

With that Theo raced down the ladder and ran down to where the guns were kept and alerted the master gunner of the plan. When the shot was right, shoot. Theo even encouraged the gunners to not waste more than two cannonballs on it but to try and aim below the waterline. If the cannon hit the boat below the waterline while it was rocking above the surface, once the ship submerged again it would rapidly begin to flood. Theo needed to take the boat down before it could get to them. If Espbar boarded the ship with his full crew then it would mean sure defeat for the women.

Once she felt confident that the master gunner knew how to proceed she rushed back to the deck. Looking out at the horizon once again she saw the shadow appear closer and time was running out. As she was making her way back up the ladder to the helm, Morgana rushed past her with her hand in Tuni's and made her way to the inside of the ship. Morgana told Tuni to wait at the stairs as she rushed up them, down the hallway and began to bang on Ava's door.

"Oi! It's Morgana! I need to get you to safety! A ship was spotted in the distance!"

The door opened a few seconds later and a sleepy-looking Ava was on the other side of the door, "M' awake. What's the matter?"

"No time," Morgana took Ava's hand and began pulling her down the hall. After a moment they had made it back down the stairs. Now, Ava was more awake and the adrenaline and panic were starting to kick in. She saw Tuni, her hair was frazzled as if she had been woken up from sleep like Ava. Morgana began moving again and Ava followed. They made their way through the inside of the ship, collecting people as they went. Rose and Miss Yurwa were there with them and a few other girls too. They finally arrived at what seemed to be one of the last rooms on one of the lowest floors. They walked into the room and Tuni kissed Morgana goodbye. They exchanged rushed whispers and then Morgana was gone. Tuni closed the door and bolted it shut with a wooden plank from the inside.

"We should be safe here. Morgana will let us know when the coast is clear," Tuni assured the women in the room and Ava nodded at her and found a place to sit. It seemed like forever before she began to hear noise and she wondered what was going on up top.


"They're in range, gunners! Fire the cannons!" Theo bellowed and she felt the boom of the cannons before she heard it.

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now