Chapter Twenty-Seven - An Old Friend

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I wanted to swim back to the surface but I was so tired that I just let myself relax in the water. I didn't want to bother anything or be bothered. I sighed forgetting that I was underwater. I almost choked on some water. I looked and see that the sun is still out. I used the rest of my strength to try to swim toward the surface. I kept swimming until I was able to breathe. I sighed in relief as I broke through the surface of the water. I looked over at my friends to see that they had defeated the army. I smiled. I let myself float at the surface of the water. 

I felt something swim past me. I fixed myself to where my torso and below it is underwater and I am keeping myself up by moving my arms forward and back. I turned my head from side to side a couple of times to see where it went but it was fast. I decided to slowly make my way toward my friends who are on the shore. As I swam toward them, I felt it go past me again. I stopped swimming. As it swam past me, I felt something brush itself against my leg. 

"Libra! What's wrong?" One of my friends yelled

I looked over at them and yelled back, "There's something in the water!"

"Then get out!"

"I'm going to!"

I swam toward them but more cautious this time. As I swam toward my friends, I kept looking at the water just in case I can get some type of feature from it. Then, I felt something took my boots off of my feet and then wrapped itself around my left ankle. I stopped swimming. I tried to lift my foot but the thing kept me from doing so. I can't see what is around my ankle. I looked at my friends to see tell them what happened but their expressions told me that there is something behind me. 

Aries and Leo pointed toward me which probably means that they are pointing at whatever is behind me. I do feel a presence behind me. I slowly turned to see what it was. All I see is the naked torso of a man with purple-gray-ish skin. His white mullet is spiked up a little bit by the tips. He is wearing a golden shell necklace around his neck along with golden fish earrings. His eyes are gray. 

When he smiled, I saw fangs for both top and bottom canines. Once I made eye contact with him, I felt something wrap itself around my legs to keep me from having extra help to keep me above the water. He submerged himself underwater and after a couple of seconds, I was pulled into the water. As I was being pulled down deeper, the screams of my friends became distant.

I grabbed the thing that wrapped itself around my legs and it felt slimy and tender. I eventually opened my eyes and was able to see what was around my legs. It was tentacles. It was black and purple tentacles. It was octopus tentacles and they are connected to the white-haired guy. 

I gasped which let a lot of oxygen out of my mouth. I closed my mouth quickly and went back to trying to get the tentacles off of me but it only made him move them up toward my waist. I felt the function cups against my skin through the rips I have in my clothing. It happened when Shadow and Aaron were digging their nails into my body. 

In my peripheral vision, I saw his head turned a little. I guess to check on me but who knows since I don't know his plans for me. I kept trying to get his tentacles off of me but he held onto me, really tight. He doesn't want me to be free. I started to feel like my lungs were being crushed. They started to feel tight. 

I closed my eyes and waited. I can't get out of his tentacles grip. Since I can't get out of his grip, I wasn't able to get oxygen from the surface. I felt hands on my face a second after I let myself relax. I felt something soft against my lips. I didn't feel any oxygen being blown into my mouth but I felt something do down my throat. It felt squishy and slimy. It was disgusting.

The lips removed themselves from mine and the tentacles slightly lighten their grip around me. I slowly opened my eyes and I, unconsciously, inhaled. But I didn't choke from the water. I was breathing it in like it was oxygen. I turned my attention to the white-haired guy and he looked worried. Then he smiled. 

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